
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Fun sewing...

 First of all, let me say that on one computer, these look much darker than they are, and the other one shows them pretty much like they were. They are not super bright, but on this computer they just look so dark...  Anyway, I have been wanting to play with making leaves but had just never taken the time to shows one side and below is the other side of the same leaves.

I cut the heart leaf and the two simple leaves free hand..

These two I found a simple drawing.  Normally I can at least draw leaves, but sometimes my hands get shaky when I try to do something like that now.  

Just thought I would show a close up of  one.  I used Heat & Bond light to fuse two fabrics together, then I cut out the shape and did the stitching around the edges.    I have ideas for making a bunch of these but I don't know if it will ever get done.

Daughter continues to recover from Covid.  I am glad they did not all get hit so hard.  She is starting to feel more normal, but still having headaches and only has partial taste.

I just cannot get up the nerve to try to blog again...maybe I will start posting every now and then.   

Following are a couple videos of Copper reacting to a spider he seen on the ceiling.

I hope you enjoy them...they crack us up.


  1. It's so good to see a post from you, Rose! And to know you are alright. Your leaves are stunning, I love them, they are gorgeous. How will you use them? That must have been a big spider!

  2. Was it a big spider? The dog has great eyesight.

    I love what you did with the leaves.

  3. I'm glad your daughter continues to recover from Covid.
    I can understand your reluctance to post again after what happened. I hope that won't ever happen again.

  4. Love seeing your post. Those leaves are beautiful. You have such talent.
    Please just post once a week or so - maybe once a month - just keep posting PLEASE!!!!

  5. Maybe get some floral wire & wrap the wire for stems ...attach those beautiful leaves and use in a bouquet?

    It's good to see you blogging Rose. Hope you WILL soon feel like publishing a post now & then.

  6. These leaves are so pretty. they would make excellent fall decor.

  7. I love your leaves. They are so pretty. Will you use them in a flower arrangement or maybe to decorate a wreath?
    Glad to hear your daughter is doing better.
    Cute videos of Copper. I don't care much for spiders on the ceiling

  8. I total agree with Copper, I yell at (then kill) spiders in house also. ;o)

    LOVE love love the leaves (you knew I would), can't wait to see what you do with them - hehehe, you have no choice, you must blog and show pictures.

  9. Those leaves are gorgeous! There are so many different things you can do with them and with your talent and imagination, I can't wait to see the outcome. I'm sorry to hear your daughter had Covid and I hope she feels better soon. My grandson had it the first part of August and he is still not completely back to normal and has no taste or smell either. This Delta version is a bad one.

    It is wonderful to see your post but I do understand how you feel about blogging lately. I've had a hard time with it too and only made about four posts all summer. I don't know if it is burnout from this never-ending pandemic or what but I just feel worn out all the time lately. Thank you for stopping in - I love those leaves!

  10. good news all the way around
    you created a post
    Sarah is better
    you sewed and enjoyed it
    copper makes us all laugh
    things are looking a tad brighter,i have noticed the changes in looks of photos because i veiw on 3 devices, lap, desk and phone. they are all a different look. so happy to see you POP up in feedly

  11. Hello,

    Your leaves are so pretty. I hope your daughter is feeling better soon, my great-niece 5 yr old and great nephew a 7yr year are both recovering from Covid. What has Copper worked up, he is barking at someone in the house? Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. The leaves are so pretty, and look so real. Kind of feels like fall here this morning, a good time to make colored leaves. I look forward to your posts, anytime. Glad your daughter is getting better. I clicked on the video and when Copper barked, Eli and Ellie went crazy. Guess they thought a strange dog was in the house. :) Copper is so funny. Imagine him barking at a spider!

  13. Glad you are well, and the leaves are gorgeous. Hope your daughter gets to feeling better soon. Stay well.

  14. Hi Rose. I'm so glad to hear that S. is recovering, and hope she continues to do so without any lingering problems.
    It sounds like a good decision too, that you are making about blogging. Just do one when you feel like it, so never any pressure of "what to write about" or "it's time I wrote something." I think you are being very sensible in looking after yourself this way.
    Take care, hugz to you all, Mxx

  15. Ps...found Sandra's Kia posts!! 😁

  16. Question: did you cut out the leaves first or stitch them first? I so want to try making them.

  17. Rose, Love the leaves - carry on they are doing to be gorgeous, even if you put them in a fruit bowl, swirl them around and just look at them, until the time is right to use them - and so pleased to here Sarah, is slowly recovering. Much love to you from Catherine in New Zealand.

  18. Sarah getting Covid must have been scary. So glad she is recovering. The leaves are very pretty. Whatever you decide to do with them I know they will look perfect. As for blogging, sometimes we need the break, so blog when you feel like it. Life has a tendency to knock us for six at times and blogging should take a back seat. Sending hugs.

  19. I do like your leaves, perfect for Autumn/Fall décor.
    So pleased to read that your daughter is getting better.
    I enjoyed the videos of Copper.

    All the best Jan

  20. What a great idea to do leave of fabric like that. - They would look great put into plain blocks on a quilt. - I'm happy whenever you post. There are no rules that state one has to blog everyday, it there were I would have been gone a long time ago.


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