
Monday, October 25, 2021

Just have to share....

 The kids were gone last week...Lorelei's Rosie went with them, but Delta and Copper were boarded.  Any way, Copper and Delta were really glad to get home.

When my daughter is home, Copper can hardly stand for her to be out of his sight...unless it is when he wants to go outside.

I think he is happy to be home with her.  Notice he is laying on her arm...

And below is the one to make you smile...or laugh out loud as we did.

I think he is happy to be back in his own home...


  1. I guess Copper figured if he lay on her arm she couldn't leave again. He sure seems attached to your daughter.

  2. Copper is really something! Those pictures are cute. I'm sure he was very happy to be home and have his family back.

  3. I imagine there is a lot of stress when an animal is boarded...they are beyond happy to be in familiar surroundings again. He's such a loveable card!!

  4. How sweet. Gibbs has been laying that same way on the couch in the evenings. Of course Gibbs is a whole lot smaller than Copper.

  5. I did laugh at the last one, when Beau does this we laugh long and loud.. so glad they are home with mama now... i don't like kennels anymore than they do

  6. Oh my, sweet baby. so happy and content with their people!!!!

  7. He seems to be a really sweet goofball!

  8. So happy to have his family home again. I did laugh out loud!!

  9. I don't blame Copper for wanting to be close - the kennels were probably full of other oddball dogs and as for the staff and the food, not the same...

  10. I think he's happy too. Adorable photos!

  11. Cooper is an adorable dog. He really does look like he is happy to be home.

  12. One happy puppy. There really is no place as nice as home :)

  13. It's easy to tell Copper is glad to be home. What a big ole sweet baby he is. Reminds me so much of our Ellie. She lays up-side-down like that and throws her legs around. I'm afraid she will hit me in the face, but aren't they sweet. The flowers in your last post are beautiful. That rose is amazing. I love roses but have a hard time keeping them growing pretty.

  14. And I thought only cats laid in weird positions! He looks hilarious.


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