
Friday, November 5, 2021


 I waited till late yesterday afternoon and had received no calls about the results of Roger's second test of his potassium levels.  So I called the dr's office...I talked to a nurse.  She had to go ask the dr, and he told her the levels were fine and to continue as I have been.  I am sorry I did not do the update last night...I had planned to and was so tired I did not do anything.

Here is a little video I think you might like:


  1. Thanks for the update. :) That's good news.

  2. Great video. A wonderful story!! :)

  3. Good to hear Roger's potassium levels were fine. Enjoyed the video Rose, thank you. Hope you catch up with some rest over the weekend and that it is a good one :)

  4. I hate when the drs offices don't bother to call with updates. Don't they think people want to know the results?
    Love the video. That is so cool.

  5. I'm happy you got a good report for Roger, but, oh, I wish doctors would let you know instead of leaving you wondering. They will only contact you here if there is something wrong, but you always wonder.
    Loved the video. What a treasure - I told Mittens about it but I doubt if she could match a performance like that :) xx

  6. So happy to hear of the good news for Roger. It must be such a relief!

  7. I'm so glad the test results are good! I love this vodeo. Watched it twice, the second time with Phil. Wish I could find a cat like that!

  8. I'm so happy to hear his levels are good! That's a great video. I love how the cat is now helping other homeless cats.

  9. That's a relief about Roger's test, and that video is priceless. 😊

  10. Good news about Roger's potassium levels being fine.
    That little video is so cute. I definitely would have slipped the cat some money.

  11. Purrecious video
    Great to now know the results were good.

  12. Good news, cue cat video.

    Have a happy weekend!

  13. I am glad Roger's levels are fine. The cat video is really cute.

  14. Good to hear that all is going well.

  15. happy for the good results on potassium. this is the best ever video and I love love love it and will get bob to watch. i got tears thinking about this.

  16. So pleased to read that Roger's potassium levels were fine :)

    All the best Jan

  17. My doctors clinic and probably all over in NZ, only call you if there is an issue. Which annoys me because "maybe they need to look at something else" and when you've in their office, they say "well it was within normal range..."

    love the Cashnip the cat!


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