
Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 I don't know about you, but I get a few of these in the mail.  Sometimes more than others.  There are a lot of things I order because it is easier than me going and hunting and trying to read labels.  Once I order it can I look back at order history and click to order again.  No having to search and search.  And it saves quite a few footsteps.  (the above photo is after I boxed the bottom.)

Anyway, I happened to fold the corners as if I was going to make boxed corners on a bag or zipped pouch and realized if I did it would stand up.  I took it in my sewing room the other day and today I did a bit of playing.  It was a flat envelope but in a matter of a minutes, it had a boxed bottom.

I turned the plain side out and folded the top down a couple times.  It stands on its on.  I will use it to throw snippets of thread and fabric in if I can come up with a convenient place to set it.  My floor is always a mess around my chair..


I think I am done making these.  Though I do think about making 5 more till it would be a rectangle when put together. But since it is going to hang on a wall somewhere, it doesn't really matter.  I am deciding what fabric I want to go between the blocks.  I am leaning strongly towards a gray fabric.  It will more than likely be a print...or at the least have texture.  White would not be bad, but I would need to make a couple or three replacements for some of the lightest blocks. 

I have did a couple loads of clothes today, vacuumed, and just a bit of this and that.  Plus tearing the foundation papers away from the backs of these little blocks and putting them on the design wall.  And I spent a LOT of time looking for a fabric I just had... probably less than two weeks ago.  Or at least it seems like less than two weeks ago.  I do not know why I did not put it back with the grays.

I also just made up what I call roger's medicine packs.  I use what is called mini cups with lids and make up the morning meds in one group, and evening meds in another.  I do enough for 16 is much simpler to do them several days at a time.  He takes about 5 or 6 that the drs. want that are OTC meds, and then maybe 12 that are prescriptions.  So, take a bit of time to get them made up.

That is it for my day.  It is raining as I type this.  I hear a bit of thunder but nothing bad.  The rain comes for a few minutes, stops or else slows down to almost nothing.  Then it will sound heavy.  Good sleeping weather.
This is an oldie I have shared before but it is worth listening to again....