
Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 I don't know about you, but I get a few of these in the mail.  Sometimes more than others.  There are a lot of things I order because it is easier than me going and hunting and trying to read labels.  Once I order it can I look back at order history and click to order again.  No having to search and search.  And it saves quite a few footsteps.  (the above photo is after I boxed the bottom.)

Anyway, I happened to fold the corners as if I was going to make boxed corners on a bag or zipped pouch and realized if I did it would stand up.  I took it in my sewing room the other day and today I did a bit of playing.  It was a flat envelope but in a matter of a minutes, it had a boxed bottom.

I turned the plain side out and folded the top down a couple times.  It stands on its on.  I will use it to throw snippets of thread and fabric in if I can come up with a convenient place to set it.  My floor is always a mess around my chair..


I think I am done making these.  Though I do think about making 5 more till it would be a rectangle when put together. But since it is going to hang on a wall somewhere, it doesn't really matter.  I am deciding what fabric I want to go between the blocks.  I am leaning strongly towards a gray fabric.  It will more than likely be a print...or at the least have texture.  White would not be bad, but I would need to make a couple or three replacements for some of the lightest blocks. 

I have did a couple loads of clothes today, vacuumed, and just a bit of this and that.  Plus tearing the foundation papers away from the backs of these little blocks and putting them on the design wall.  And I spent a LOT of time looking for a fabric I just had... probably less than two weeks ago.  Or at least it seems like less than two weeks ago.  I do not know why I did not put it back with the grays.

I also just made up what I call roger's medicine packs.  I use what is called mini cups with lids and make up the morning meds in one group, and evening meds in another.  I do enough for 16 is much simpler to do them several days at a time.  He takes about 5 or 6 that the drs. want that are OTC meds, and then maybe 12 that are prescriptions.  So, take a bit of time to get them made up.

That is it for my day.  It is raining as I type this.  I hear a bit of thunder but nothing bad.  The rain comes for a few minutes, stops or else slows down to almost nothing.  Then it will sound heavy.  Good sleeping weather.
This is an oldie I have shared before but it is worth listening to again....


  1. Love your blocks! Have you thought about sewing them together without sashing? It would be very colorful and modern.

  2. That is a smart use of the Amazon bag, recycling at its best. My cats love me to cut those bags open for them to lay on. Those blocks will make a beautiful wall hanging. The colors would really pop with a gray or even a black background. It can take some time making up medicine packs, can't it? Once a week I help Tom get his pills all organized in one of those AM/PM pill sorters. I love the Johnny Carson and Dragnet video. I used to really enjoy watching Johnny Carson.

  3. Hmmm, I will try this trick with the Amazon bag. Not quite sure how you did it, but it's a neat trick. I make up my pills four day at a time.

  4. What a clever use for that amazon envelope.
    Your blocks look great. I do the same thing in my craft room. I have something and a few days later I can't find where I put it.
    The video had me laughing.

  5. Your bubble wrap idea is perfect. Loved seeing the wall hanging (I agree, a print would work wonders). And Johnny Carson...loved the guy's dry humor. One of my favorites was the potato chip lady (and johnny acted like he was eating one from her collection.)

  6. Here's a link to potato chip lady...

  7. Hello,

    Your quilt blocks are pretty. What a great idea to recycle the amazon packaging. MY hubby fixes up his weekly pill container. Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. if I can stop laughing long enough to comment I will comment on the rest of the blog. the video is truly hilarious. I loved Dragnet and jack Webb and thought it was an out take of Dragnet. i am smiling as i type and will play this for bob later.
    I can't come up with a color, black or burgundy would be good also whitem but some would disapear,
    the bag idea is genius!!!! upber recycle!!!!

  9. Smart recycling. Love that. I really like the blocks - so pretty.
    It really rained hard here a couple times and lots of thunder and quite the light show. All is well this morning.
    Take care

  10. The gray background would be lovely for that wall hanging! I look forward to seeing it.

    The video is priceless! I enjoyed it again.

  11. Clever idea. You had a busy day. I like your squares.

  12. You come up with such good ideas. I have perhaps too many Amazon bags coming into my house. I will have to take a second look at repurposing them.

  13. Good to see you Rose, and smashing idea with the mailing bag. The quilt blocks look great, and grey sounds like a nice way to give each block a visible pop.

  14. You have an eye for colour combinations Rose. Love those quilt blocks.

  15. How wonderful to see that you are still sewing. I love these blocks and think they would be beautiful with or without sashing.

  16. I hope all goes well with Roger's treatment. Your organization and care certainly make life so much better for him.

    We get lots and lots of Amazon bags, too, and I find uses for most of them. I like your scrap catcher bag! I often cut off the blank back side (I shred the part with the name/address) and, with the printed side down, tape them into the bottom of shipping boxes for my Etsy shop sales. That provides some protection from any moisture if the box is left on someone's wet porch. I reuse other clean shipping materials, too.


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