
Friday, January 14, 2022

Me or a book?

 Copper's mom sent me these pics to show what he thought of her trying to read a book.  Doesn't your heart just go out to him?  You would never guess that he is spoiled rotten.

He says, 'But if you must read, I will be right here on your knees.

I had to run to the grocery yesterday evening just to pick up a couple items.  I decided to run to the strip pits before I came home.  

The Snow Geese are passing through...and were on the biggest pond/strip pit.  

The strip pit is huge and they almost covered it from end to end...minus maybe a hundred feet on the end near me.

Other pics will be posted at my other blog tomorrow...I hope you enjoy these.

And today's video:


  1. That face! He is the sweetest thing. NO not spoiled at all!! LOL
    I have never seen so birds before. Wow! That is incredible

  2. Copper has such great expressions!!!
    My goodness that sure is a lot of snow geese.

  3. What a thrill to see that number of snow geese!!!

    And Copper could easily distract me from ANY reading.

  4. Love the dog. They really do want all of your attention all of the time. Love the thousands of water fowl.

  5. Wow, that is a whole lot of Geese. Copper really knows how to lay it on!

  6. Aww, Copper is so adorable. Love the look.
    I couldn't figure out what that was in the first picture of all the geese. Holy smokes that's a lot of geese.

  7. Copper's mom has done well with that baby! He is adorable and so smart!

  8. I still think Copper is one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen. Your photos of the Snow Geese are just amazing, and I really loved the video too. Have a great weekend Rose!

  9. Wow! I have never seen so many geese in one place.

  10. I think I'd have to pick Copper. He is so cute! Those Snow Geese! I've seen themon TV but can't imagine seeing that many in person. It's unbelievable.

  11. Thousands of Snow Geese!!! That lonely goose is quite something too!!

  12. Great geese photos! Copper does look spoiled, but very appealing. Maybe she could learn to read out loud to him so he'll feel included.

  13. Cooper is adorable! It is awesome seeing the Snow Geese! I enjoyed the Goose video too. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  14. Copper’s face is so expressive. Such a sweet creature! The geese photo is incredible. Thank you for sharing. Loved the video too.

  15. you should have split this feel good post into 3. copper has my heart and you know that, and just before i opened this, Beau came and put his head on my chromebook. it meant stop blogging and give me attention, just like Copper and the book. that part of the blog made me happy.
    the geese just gobsmacked Bob and I both. Wow and wow. never seen anything like it.
    and the video is heartwarming, and full of JOY and made me feel joy

  16. What a sweet dog. My dog wouldn't be so patient. Wow that's a lot of geese.

  17. wow so many birds, on a flight break, hope there is enough food for them...

  18. OMG!!! Seeing all those birds must have been part thrilling and part scary. Fantastic pictures of them.


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