
Friday, February 18, 2022


 This is Rosie, Lorelei's dog...Lorelei sent this a few dayss and keep forgetting to post it.  Today is the day.  It makes me smile every time I see it.  You can tell she is such a happy dog.  She is just so loving.

My other daughter sent this the other night...Copper had just came into her kitchen looking like this.  We both wondered what he had been doing.  Sandra says Beau does this when he wakes up. 


After a couple days of around 50°F, we have stayed below freezing today.  I have only stepped outside to get the mail in and a delivery.  

Do you have a lot of deliveries?  We sure do.  And most of it is just to save me from having to pick it up at Walmart and handle it so many times.  Saves me time in finding some of it, as in vitamins and personal things like that.  All of Roger's meds come by delivery.  Today's delivery were little bottles of 2-cycle oil.  Tomorrow will be a book about my camera.  I am so thankful that I don't have to get out and go shopping for every little thing.


Night before last the hard drive of our Directv dvr was malfunctioning, so I had to get on the phone to call tech support.  Of course I first got on line and searched for fixes, but it came down to the fact that I had to call.  I at least had done done all the things she started to tell me to try.  So, a new one is supposedly on its way.  I hope it is simple to get back up and running.  I miss recording the local news, and being able to watch it when I want.   Also, there is a quilting show I always record and watch after Roger goes to bed.  

Well, that is about it from my world.  I leave you with another short, cute little video.

Sorry, I forgot to embed it, and now I go to embed it and the owner does not allow it to be posted on other websites.  So HERE is the link.  It is only a few seconds long.


  1. Such cute dog photos! And Rosie, gosh. I would get such bad vertigo if I ever tried this pose! Yes, we do get quite a few deliveries. Going by your photos, you sure don't need to know any more about your camera!

  2. Animals can sure get into some funny positions!
    I do not shop by mail at all - I like to see what I am getting. Glen used to- but I have never gotten into it.
    You can sure get some helpful answers on You Tube.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Those photos are both just so precious! We don't get a lot of deliveries but it sure is convenient when we need to. Do you have the old school kind of Direct TV or their newer live streaming service?

  4. The dogs are priceless. I laughed out loud at the first photo. Thank you for posting.

  5. Good luck with the dvr. I cringe just thinking about having to do this...have been there and done this so many times! I just can't do a post without a doggie picture, so always enjoy yours!

  6. We get deliveries almost every day but they're never for me. My son and DIL get most everything delivered.

  7. Rosie looks so cute - and limber! Copper is so cute too. He always reminds me of Scooby Doo!

  8. ❤️❤️ copper & Rosie ❤️❤️

    I don't mind shopping, it gets me out of the house. Of course, I'm out driving somewhere often so I stop on the way home.

  9. Rosie is so sweet and I did laugh when her photo came up. You already know i love Copper. i too love delivery. i even get the 30 lb bag of dog food delivered, easier to drag in off the porch than carry out of a store. Walmart has gone like Amazon and deliver any and all things, the only thing i don't get delivered is food, i like to shop for my own choices. I woukd have to drive to Spectru for a new DVR because we would be lost without it. IN FACT the year of the virus I had to go get one, not phun hooking it up but we did it. we only live 10 miles from the pickup place, and for something THAT imporant I go pickup

  10. Love the pictures of Rosie and Copper.
    I don't get many deliveries. Just a few here and there. I do limit my trips to the store because I'm really starting to hate Walmart. For groceries I try and get stuff where I work but some things are way more expensive and some we just don't have.

  11. Hello,

    The doggies are so cute, they both make me smile. Hubby and I do not mind shopping, we like to pick out certain items ourselves. have a happy weekend!

  12. There's no way you can look at that photo of Rosie and not smile!!


  13. As soon as I saw Rosie, I laughed out loud. So adorable in that pose and Copper made me smile with his ears flapped over :) I hope your temperatures will be going up. After some real chilly days we will be in the low 60s soon and I can’t wait to get out and go for a walk. We have been getting deliveries, from Walmart too. They really do help, especially as I am going through a phase where I can’t walk too far. I couldn’t reach the video but I will try again later. Have a great weekend Rose :)

  14. Tried the video again and it worked. So cute! Thanks Rose :)

  15. The dogs in your family are all so cute. They have such sweet personalities. Oh we do get lots of deliveries. I said to a delivery driver the other day, I know you wish we would quit ordering so much. He laughed. It's just so easy to order almost everything now days. Saves walking all over Walmart and then not finding what you need.

  16. It makes my neck hurt just to look at how twisted that dog is.

  17. I've not gone into any kind of stores where I need to browse for anything of late - and keep just thinking "well, I've one good outfit" that will do...and it does do.
    I too tend to buy online what I need for delivery...

  18. Their eyes ask you why your face is funny now. Happy Sunday to you.

  19. I'd love to meet Copper in person. He has such a great personality!!

  20. Love that photo of Rosie - sure put a big grin on my face :)

  21. I do like the photographs of the dogs ... lovely :)

    All the best Jan


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