
Friday, April 29, 2022

She comes running, almost

 She came again this morn...such a sweet little mother.

She even sat in my lap a couple times.  I talk to her constantly when she is with me.  To get her familiar with my voice.  I think she already knows it, though.


I have not been accomplishing very much at all this week.  I did go to a small quilt show in Arthur, Illinois yesterday.  I am not sure how may quilts were on display...I would think around a hundred.  there were some beauties, but the place the show is held in has to have the rows so close together, one cannot stand back and get a good photo.

Below is a portion of one of my favorites...

The above is really a simple quilt to mke, but the arrangement of colors make it look harder than it is.  Though on second thought, my brain would probably explode trying to keep the colors where they should go.

and the above was a faorite, too.  There were several that I loved...just could not get good pics.


  1. I love a quilt done in darker colors, so the first one catches my eye. Have you actually tamed a wild squirrel? That a great pic of her!

  2. You say you have not accomplished much this week, but you are so wrong!! You have made a friend of a sweet wild animal, and care for it. And that is the best thing of all! I think I will name you "The Squirrel Whisperer".

  3. You have such a sweet little friend! Maybe she will bring her babies to see you sometime.

    Many years ago I went to a quilt show in Arthur, Illinois! I was coming home from visiting my son when he was at the University of Illinois. It was a wonderful quilt show and I took many pictures. While we were there we also visited part of the Amish community there. I didn't realize you lived close to Arthur.

  4. Yay! you got to go to a quilt show. Both are beautiful quilts but I'm with you the color placement on the first quilt would have me totally stressed out.

  5. I agree with Ginny, making friends with the squirrel counts for a lot. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. aha "hello Squirrel Whisperer" - thanks Ginny for that...

    going to a quilt (craft) show helps inspire one - and getting even a snippet shot, no excuse not to remember what you loved...

  7. I so love your companionship with Maria. (Remember, that's what I named her).

    I like the first quilt you show us.

  8. Oh wow, what an experience to have that cute little squirrel come right up to you. I agree with everyone else, that is a big accomplishment.
    I love both of those quilts.

  9. I can imagine you there with that mother squirrel. Such a wonderful image!

  10. Cute photos of the squirrel. I love the quilts. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  11. What a sweet friend. I love my squirrels too.
    The quilts are so pretty.

  12. her tail is goregous. she is a beauty and my heart just melts at her knowing your voice. Leon the lizard knows my voice, but he isn't as cute as your Mama is.. I love pecans and she does too... i love the bottom quilt and would like it the white part in king size as a coverlet for my bed...

  13. Nice to get to a quilt show!!!!!!!


  14. Amazing to see a squirrel come right up to you like that. So cute!

  15. The quilt show must have been so nice to go to.
    Though the pictures of the squirrel are wonderful, I am not a fan of them.

  16. You sure have a way with animals. Isn't it amazing how animals know. That little squirrel trusts you and loves you. Bet it was fun seeing so many pretty quilts. Some of yours should have been on display.


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