
Monday, June 20, 2022

Will I ever finish it???

 I worked on this a couple or three days last week, and want to work more on it.  Last week, the AC slowed me down.  We will see about this week.  I have not decided quite how I feel about it.  It is sort of wild, but I am just using scraps.  For the most part.  I bought the gray snowflake fabric to use to set the blocks on poing, and I bought the red fabric to put a strip between the rows.  To give it some consistency.  I have four of the rows of blocks on point and will have five of the others.

Thought I would share a new photo of a dragonfly.  Saturday was the first chance I had had to try to capture any.  I know some of you do not look at my other blog so will share one here.  This seemed to be the only kind at the swamp at that time.  Usually we see a couple more varieties.

I had a dermatologist appt today...had three places I was worried about.  One of them she did not think was anything to be worried about, but in looking at my main concern, she saw two more place close to it.  One she was not concerned with , the other she was  a bit concerned.  Said she would freeze it off for now and see how it does.  She also froze the other two that was close to it.  The one I was concerned about I could feel...not something I look in the mirror and see.

So she looked my face over good, and looked at the other two places.  One she was not worried about, but the other she took a biopsy so will have to wait to see what it says.  It is maybe an inch below my eye.    If it is cancer, she is going to recommend another MOHS surgery...I am not sure how I feel about it.  I don't know if it is the shot to numb or what, but my eye went all weird for a few minutes as I was leaving.  I could see out of it but it was blurry.  And just felt so very strange.  It is hard to explain.  

So now I wait...just deal with it as it comes.  See what I can do in the meantime.  I have tons to do.  Just a matter of doing them.  I have lots of stuff to sew.  I should go sew some now.


  1. Your quilt looks gorgeous Rose, and that dragonfly photo is impressive too. It’s important to go get these things checked out. I hope you aren’t waiting too long before you get the results.

  2. Your quilt top is looking beautiful and Christmassy. I like the fabric.
    Your doctor is wise. I'm glad she got a biopsy just in case. Better be on the safe side.
    Stay well and safe.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. Maybe you remember when Phil had to go out of state to have his lower eyelid removed due to melanoma? He had two different surgeries. They worked well, and he is fine now. The quilt is so cozy and like winter!!

  4. I love the quilt! I think that it is so brightly colored and festive.
    Prayers all goes well with the biopsy.

  5. Hi Rose, I love your blocks and the red sashing just ties them all together. I ran into the same issue with a bunch of sawtooth stars and I still haven't worked them out completely. THis makes me think I should get them out again. Meanwhile, good luck with the results. It is nerve wrecking and I've been through it with my hubby. He has had a bunch scraped and some patches removed...all good in the end as I'm sure it will be for you too.

  6. Your Christmas piece will be beautiful.

    The face of that dragonfly is so unusual and interesting.

    Good luck with the biopsy. I hope you get the result soon.

  7. Your Xmas quilt is looking wonderful! I really like the scrappiness (is that a word? y or i? hehehe) and the layout you created. I had a friend who had MOHS surgery on her eye lid (still makes me shudder), hope yours is uneventful and benign.

  8. Great bug picture! I love to enlarge them, the eyrs were luminous, the blues vibrant, and seeing the green background thru the transparebt wings...! The sharp focus made the legs so clear, the edges sharp with such detail. VBG!! I liked the quilt too.

  9. Love the way the quilt is looking.
    I'll be thinking of you and sending prayers for good results on the biopsy.

  10. Hello Rose,
    Your quilt is looking beautiful. I love the dragonfly image. I hope you get your results soon and all is well. Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. I love red and this one has that festive Christmas look, and only some are Christmas material, those few give it that festive look. i think its beautiful. hope the biopsy comes back nothing to fret about. I have found that when the derm doc takes a biospy it is always some type of skin cancer and I have had 2 MOHS and 4 regular surgeries, all came out well. the weird eye thing happened to me but at the dentist office. I went to a walk in clinic because of a tooth ache. they deadened my right top teeth and missed the place and hit the nerve into the eye and it deadened my eye. I thought I was dying, the said not a big deal, it will be better in an hour. because mine takes much longer it took 4 hours. I am thkning your eye was something like that

  12. I think the quilt is beautiful and I'm sure you'll get it done one day. :)
    Hope all goes well with the results. You know I will be praying for you.

  13. Beautiful Winter/Xmas quilt!! You got such an amazing picture of the Dragonfly. I love its colours.

  14. Love how your patchwork is progressing. I shivered when you mentioned freezing off those spots - I've had several sessions like that and hated it each time. Hugz xx

  15. Keep on stitching, you quilt is looking great. As for the "spots for freezing" you are doing the best you can. And obviously your AC is now working. Virtual hugs

  16. LOVE the quilt, so colorful! Great picture of Firefly. Best of luck with the biopsy results.
    Sandy's Space


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