
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Time is passing...

 I thought I would start out with a little surprise that I had.  Back around Thanksgiving..Joy a quilting friend wanted my address.  She was sending me a box of scraps!

Well, there couldn't be anything better.  It is kind of like I tell my neighbors that bring me a rock from wherever they travel...they could not spend a $100 and get me anything I liked better.    Well, I feel the same about scraps.  I just love messing with them.

I don't guess you can see in the above photo, but it is a priority box crammed so full you couldn't have put even a thimble in it.  Just crammed full of scraps and goodies.

I just absolutely love the above piece of fabric.  You should click on the photo to see it in a bigger version.  Best of all right click, and click to view in a new tab.  I don't know if I will ever cut is just so gorgeous.

This is just a sample of what was in it...wish I had taken some more photos.  I can't take more now cause they are now at my daughter's house.   But believe me there were a lot.  


A fun thing I will try to post next time is that while going through things to make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of, I came to some stuff from my mom/childhood.  In it I found scraps of fabric from dresses made for me during school.  I will show them next time if I remember....and can find them.  


I am leaving you with a couple little would never guess that I like horses.


  1. It was fun to stuff that box. And I loved opening my box!

  2. How exciting and fun to receive that box of goodies!! I'm sure you'll have lots of ideas what to make with the fabrics. GM

  3. What a nice surprise to get in the mail. It's always fun to go through boxes like that.
    Those videos are both adorable.

  4. that is a beautiful piece of fabric and I think it would be nice to get excited over a box of scraps. I am now trying to think what someone could fill a box with that would get me as excited as you got over this box. the only thing I can think of is 100 dollar bills? ha ha.. the videos are adorable, the girl is so sweet and tiny

  5. Hello,
    The box of scraps is a wonderful surprise! I enjoyed the video with the little girl and the horses. Take care, have a happy day!

  6. That is beautiful fabric. What a neat gift to receive. Didn't remember that you were a rock collector as well. I used to bring home rocks/fossils from the river all the time. I still have them all!
    Glad to see you post.

  7. How sweet to have a friend who blesses you with these fabric scraps. Have fun working with them.

  8. I love thoughtful surprise gifts like that. Can't wait to see your creations from the scraps. I agree that the piece of fabric is lovely and too pretty to cut up.

  9. What a lovely surprise your friend sent! I look forward to seeing some of the results!

  10. How wonderful to receive all those scraps of material. I'm sure you will be turning them into some beautiful quilts.

  11. How lovely to receive those scraps of material, I'm sure you will enjoy using it.

    All the best Jan

  12. Opening up that box would have been more fun than going through a pirate's treasure chest! What a wonderful friend to have :)

  13. A box of goodies that won't be wasted because you will no doubt turn everything into a beautiful quilt!

  14. I love bits and bobs too. Those little pieces really turn into fun projects. Enjoy!

  15. What a lovely and thoughtful gift! Finding family treasures from your mom is priceless. Thanks for the videos and enjoy the rest of your week.


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