
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Hello Blog Friends

 I have been meaning to pop in and do a little post for ages...I would like to keep this blog alive if possible.  Maybe one of these days I will get back to blogging on a regular basis.  

Gus was here for a visit when the above was taken...when it is Copper with him, they are never still long enough for me to get a pic of them together.  They play and play, chasing each other, etc.

Things are still going good, Roger has had no more falls since the last time I posted...and is eating more than he did for a LONG time.

I am still sewing, just not very much.

I don't have room to put any more Boxed Squares on the wall, but probably have close to 200/250 more if I am remembering right.  I stay busy...Copper can be very entertaining.  I have also got them spoiled to wanting me to go outside with them when they go.  Which is fine now...I love sitting outside but winter will be another matter.   My daughter says they don't like to stay out in the cold, so that will work out okay I guess.

That is it for now...hoping to catch up with you in the next few days.

Friday, June 9, 2023

A new lease on life...

 Just had to open with a photo of the boy!  He was about to go to sleep, but he likes to keep an eye on me throughout the day.  He does not want to miss anything.  And if Roger is watching TV in our room, he insists on going and checking on him every so often.


Roger not only has not fallen any more, but he sleeps through the night every now and then.  If not through, most times only up once.  He had not slept through the night in at least 2 or 3 yrs...and was up multiple times most nights....since being here he has slept throughh at least 4 or 5 nights.  He is still staying up later.  Which probably helps with not being up multiple times, but even before when he stayed up late, he was up at least 2 or 3 times a night.    Anyway, I am so thankful for this.

We get to see Lorelei and her mom often, least once a week!  Lorelei spent the night last night...she is in the marching band so has practice this summer.


  This is the start of my daughter's current project...the star on the left is sewn together.  The one on the right as two or three rows that the rows ares sewn but then they have to be sewn to the rest of the start.  She does the cutting, and marking and I do the sewing.  I think she had made some of the half square triangle units...but cannot remember for sure.  There will be two more stars.

There is a method of adding triangles to corners or blocks or rectangles where you place a square on the corner first and so diagonal from corner to corner....then you trim off the extra fabric.  Somewhere I picked up a handful of these corners.  I sewed them together the other day...these little half-square triangle units are probably not quite 2 inches square, and maybe closer to 1 1/2 inchesbut they were fun to make.  I may or may not trim the to make them completely square.  But I will do something with them.  Maybe make a potholder, or mug rug.

I continue to mess with the little scraps...making boxed squares, and even had several of them on the design wall, but took them down without taking a pic.  It is going to take a gazillion to make a quilt of any size.  And I mess with the crumb blocks...examples of both of these can be seen in the previous post.

I wish I could get in the swing of posting again...on a more regular basis.  Not sure it is going to ever happen again now.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

When all else is impossible...

 When I cannot settle myself or decide what to sew, I can always sew crumb blocks.  The above crumb blocks are from the scraps my friend, Joy, sent me.  

I have also been making a few of these little squares...they are only 4 inches square unfinished...when they are in a quilt they will be 3 1/2 inches square. Again, the fabrics are from those scraps my friend sent me.

The exception is the center of the one below...

See that fabric in the center?  It is more than 50 years old.  It is from the dress I made in Home Economics back in the day!  It is still good...not rotten.  I would love to have a yard or two of it now.  I still just love it.
Roger seems to have settled down.  He sleeps longer without getting up and is staying up later than he did there for a long while.

I will leave you a shot of Jeremy with his new fashion accessory...

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Now living....

 We have moved, and are now living with our daughter and this guy and his sister, Delta.  We are a bit over and hour from our old house...and still have stuff to bring, but we have what is necessary for living.  

It was a rough start to getting here...the night before moving, Roger fell again face first into the floor...but this time he was up in just a minute.  He was coughing again and I think just got light headed.  The first week here, he was trying to get up and slid out of bed and fell over, and I think the same week, he was going to the bathroom one night and fell hard in the bathroom.  

Our daughter heard and came...she got him to roll over off his arm, and helped him sit up on his bottom.  She was facing him and wrapped her arms around under his armpits, and physically picked him up to where he could get his legs under him...after she got him up I was pushing from behind...

Then she was able to help him get steady on his feet.  Both these falls he was using his walker.  I am amazed he did not hurt himself on it.  I do not know how she did it, she is NOT big...not tall...but she does work out most days.  Her job requires that she stays fit.  

Otherwise, he slept through the night a night or two ago, the first time in years.  He is not up as much at night either.  a lot of nights only one time...but sometimes two.

That is about it for now.  I will try to do a post now and then....

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Time is passing...

 I thought I would start out with a little surprise that I had.  Back around Thanksgiving..Joy a quilting friend wanted my address.  She was sending me a box of scraps!

Well, there couldn't be anything better.  It is kind of like I tell my neighbors that bring me a rock from wherever they travel...they could not spend a $100 and get me anything I liked better.    Well, I feel the same about scraps.  I just love messing with them.

I don't guess you can see in the above photo, but it is a priority box crammed so full you couldn't have put even a thimble in it.  Just crammed full of scraps and goodies.

I just absolutely love the above piece of fabric.  You should click on the photo to see it in a bigger version.  Best of all right click, and click to view in a new tab.  I don't know if I will ever cut is just so gorgeous.

This is just a sample of what was in it...wish I had taken some more photos.  I can't take more now cause they are now at my daughter's house.   But believe me there were a lot.  


A fun thing I will try to post next time is that while going through things to make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of, I came to some stuff from my mom/childhood.  In it I found scraps of fabric from dresses made for me during school.  I will show them next time if I remember....and can find them.  


I am leaving you with a couple little would never guess that I like horses.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Finish amidst the chaos....

 This is my one and only finish in the past few months....and I have done very little sewing otherwise.

Normally I wash a quilt first thing when it is finished.  This has been finished over a month and I just yesterday washed it.  I must say I like it much better after washing it.

As most of you guess a move is in our future, if nothing happens.  We are moving in with one of our daughters.  So we will be there when things happen.  They will not have to miss a whole day of work if they need to help us...or if Roger ends up in ER again.  She had to have contractors in...they are done.  And the girls have been taking loads of things.  Even dug up some things and transferred over there last fall.

I have gotten rid of so much stuff it is not even funny.  And there is so much more to go through.  My mind is in a whirl.  Which it has been that way for a while now anyway.  I used to read at least one book a week, and more than likely two or three.  Now, it takes me a month...for various reasons.  And I do read more in the summer when I can go outside and sit.

More has happened with Roger...I won't bore you with too much of it though.  He fell flat out on his face Feb 3...ended up with a black eye, and I am pretty sure a cracked or broken rib...and skinned a place on his arm that I am still taking care of.  He has only been out of the house twice since then, and that because I wanted the dr. to look at his arm.

I will hush for now...don't know if I will be posting again for a while, but thought I would do a little update.