
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Not my usual sewing...

Can you tell just how slick/slinky this material is?  I am not sure that slinky is the right word.  It just slides all over creation when you try to work with it.  I wish I had taken a picture of a whole panel.  My part of the job was two sew 11 sets of two panels together down the long side...which was 8 ft long.  The two panels made a huge finger print so there was matching the lines to be done.  

Sarah went and bought a serger to finish the edges or we would still be sewing.  That fabric frays so easily and so much I am not sure how long it would have taken to try to do a rolled hem.  But she put her foot on the pedal and got them done, then I turned up and hemmed them.

It was a project for the Drumline--Lorelei's instrument is the cymbals. 


We had shirtsleeve weather earlier this week.  Today was cold with spitting snow part of the time.  The wind felt like it was direct from an iceberg.   I am beginning to wonder if spring will ever fully arrive. 



  1. Sounds like awful fabric to work with!

  2. Wow, that looks like it was a workout. Weather is the same here, 76 yesterday, cold and raining today.

  3. It doesn't sound like fun fabric to work with. You two are a good team getting the job done.
    Same here with the weather. It's been warmer but snow is predicted for today and tomorrow.

  4. congratulations on 1st place win. the video has answered my question about why our highschool band practices morning and night for hours. this is NOT the highschool band from the late 60;s. wow,
    and wow on that super sewing the two of you did...

  5. It does seem like winter is taking it good old time leaving. We have had many up and down temperatures, some cold windy days. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. That looks like awful material to try and sew. This weather - UGH. But we have had snow in May before - so we should be used to it. I do want warm though.

  7. Silky and slippery works for me. :-)

  8. Smart idea to get a serger! We had a snowstorm but we absolutely need the moisture in the ground here.

  9. Slippery material makes me crazy too. Good job and I love that its for the band. Congratulations.
    Our weather is fickle too. Several days ago it was 75F and today its 48F with rain in the forecast.. Sigh

  10. Your weather sounds like ours. I love the colour of that material!

  11. I can imagine how hard it is to sew that fabric!! Crazy mixed up weather.
    I hope things warm up soon.

  12. Must be hard to work with that material!!

  13. It doesn't sound an easy fabric to work with.

    All the best Jan


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