
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Puzzle addictions

 Since Christmas I have really indulged in putting jigsaw puzzles together.  I cannot even begin to remember all the ones I have done.  And I have enjoyed every minute.  Most were 1,000 pieces with a couple that were only 750 pieces.  I keep one going almost all the time.  My daughter helps sometimes, and others it is mainly me. 

The one above is from Cross & Glory...I bought if on is the third of theirs I have worked.  But their prices just go up and up.  But the pieces fit together so well.  After the puzzle is worked, so far can easily pick up the puzzle at the top and and it stays together.  The downside of that is that is when you want to box it up, you have to sit and take it apart, not quite piece by piece but almost.

They have some unique puzzles...some I don't like at all, but others I love.  And I delayed getting one that I really like and now neither Amazon not the company itself has it.


I have worked on the binding some today...I could probably have finished it if I had focused on it, but I am not in a super hurry...I just enjoy it so much.

Lorelei/the drumline is participating in the championship this weekend.  We just watched through a streaming app.  She has really enjoyed it.


  1. That's quite an interesting puzzle with enough variation in colours so it would be fun to do. We used to do so many puzzles every winter, Now neither one of us can see that well even with glasses.

  2. Puzzles are relaxing to me. Been awhile since I did one. Then for awhile I got into digital puzzles. I liked them. No storing and they were at the time, free. Which is cool. I'd love software where I could take my photos and turn them into digital puzzles for the tablet. Have a great weekend. Cheers, Ivy.

  3. Phil and I have not been able to work ones this large. We stick to under 750 pieces. I have not heard of this brand!

  4. I really like that puzzle. I was going to buy one the one day and couldn't believe how expensive they've gotten.

  5. fianaly all the work you and her mom did is being used in competition. I hope they do well. it is something I would have loved to do in school. I do love drums. I wish I loved puzzles. there is a blogger who has a link to online puzzles, if you want it will send it to you. might be something you like. I do one once in a while and no cost no boxes to put them back in. I did download 4 games to help with Alzheimer's prevention and enjoy them. the are word and numbers... let me know if you want to try the online puzzle

  6. It's great to have something you can get absorbed in.

  7. I love putting puzzles together, this one is pretty. My grandson is on the drumline here in Wisconsin and enjoys it, I hope Lorelei does well.

  8. My husband and I always have a puzzle going too. Some have been super hard. Great challenge though.

  9. That's a nice puzzle. I'm sure you already know how much we enjoy doing puzzles too. We do 1000 piece ones also.

  10. My hubby is so great at puzzles, me not so much. Kudos for you indulging in can be a great tension reliever.

  11. Puzzles can be fun to do and quite relaxing.

    All the best Jan

  12. I don't understand. My mother and sister loved to work puzzles and would often have one going when we had family get togethers. They would just walk past the dining table and not be able to reach out and start moving pieces. I tried, really I did but it was something I was never good at and just got frustrated. When they finished, they didn't think anything about breaking it all apart and tossing it in the box. That broke my heart...all that work! It would be like tearing a hand-stitched quilt apart. Noooooo.



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