
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Still on the nest

One of these days when the weather is not misting rain, I will take my good and try to get a close up pic of her.  

It is a rainy week for us.  I think it has stopped a few times, today but there are big, big puddles of water collected anywhere there is room for one.  

I ran to Walmart this morning between rains, and this little creek that usually has just enough water in it to be flowing was raging.   The road had places where I would have hated to have been an hour before.  Water covered most of the road in a few places.  Luckily no one was behind me and no one right there so I could scoot over into the oncoming lane and miss them with one wheel.


I did get my little quilt 'runner' top finished last night and I got it pin basted to quilt today.  Maybe tomorrow I will get some quilting time.  I honestly thought about hand quilting, but I want it done sooner than later.  Hopefully I will get it done.


  1. Awww, it is the perfect wreath decoration!!

  2. It's been rainy here as well. It's coming down pretty good this morning. That bird seems to be quite happy with her home in such a lovely spot.

  3. The wreath is lovely! We are getting some rain here too and flooding due to high tides. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  4. We have had so much rain lately too. More today!

  5. Oh the rain! So tired of it and the lake in the backyard!
    What a sweet bird - that reminds me of years ago at my moms. There was always one that made a nest in the same spot each year on the porch.
    Have a great day!

  6. I wish we would get one of your rains. that dove is just so sweet, I do love doves. I guess your door is locked until the babies leave the nest. can't wait to see if they hatch and you are able to show them to us. good job on doing the basting. glad you had a safe trip to town and back in all that rain

  7. Aww, that sweet mama is still on her nest. Can't wait to see the baby or two.

  8. Love the nest there! Looks protected and cozy.
    We've had rain today and still very windy!!

  9. Sorry about all your rain!! Hopefully that ends and you get some sunshine.
    Your sweet bird looks quite decorative sitting on your wreath 💗

  10. OMG it looks like if I can comment on your current post I can comment on all. ;o)
    I had doves build a next inside the balcony of an apartment I had. Amazed me how both the male and female stay on the nest, and you never see the babies until they are ready to fly away.

  11. Think my original comment may be in your spam folder?
    Hoping this one comes through okay.

    Aww so sweet.

    All the best Jan


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