
Friday, May 10, 2024

One of the many little blocks...

 This is just one of the many little blocks I have made....

And above are few more...I cannot think if they are part of the 450 in my art bin storage or not.  Either way, I made 4 more little blocks last night, so slowly, slowly.


I took Roger to see his cardiologist one last time...and tell him we have moved and won't be coming back.  He was glad for us to be with family...said that is what life is all about.  He did not know any cardiologist over here but said he would help us find one, but we would be better to ask our primary doctor or friends who they liked.  Which I know he is right there, I was just hoping he knew someone personally.  

He said he had wanted to do another evaluation the of the valve that doesn't close good, but he won't start that let the new doctor we find know about it and if the new doctor wants our records, just have him send the request for it and he will get it right out.  (Of course there are papers we have to sign)

He is just the best dr...he ask us to send him a card/post card every now and then to let him know how we are doing.  And that we can call him at any time, and he will talk to us and give us any guidance he could...he said I know I won't be your doctor but I will help you any way I can...and he gave us a hug good bye.                  **************                                                                                                           Even though the trip back home is only 60 miles, it never fails to take us but what it takes an hour and a half to get there...and I always go the speed limit or above if possible.  I seem to always get behind a slow driver though...or the ones today would speed up to at least the speed limit for a few minutes and then back down below it.  And it is a two lane road so cannot just pass.  

All that to say I was worn out after we got home...and have not done a thing.



  1. What a wonderful cardiologist. I wish all doctors were so nice and so 'human.' I had to smile at your reference to going above the speed limit - something I used to do, but now I'm more of a Nana Driver and putter along (although I still try to pull over when I can and not hold up people going faster than me). Hope you get to have a good rest now and fully recover. Mxx

  2. How nice to have that kind of a relationship with Roger's doctor - that's very rare.

  3. Too bad he is not your doctor now, it seems there are not many like him anymore. But hopefully you will find a really good one.

  4. I like all the blocks. Those sure will make a pretty quilt.
    It's always nice to find a doctor that you can really connect to. Too bad this one is not closer to where you're living now. I hope you can find another one who as equally good.

  5. driving 60 miles is a daunting task to us now, I can truly imagine how frustrating. its sad you had such a good doctor and had to leave him.. Bob has the valve problem and that is the test he will not take, Jackie and another friend just this past week found valve problems and our neighbor just have vale surgery. it seems AGE make that valve wear out. prayers for you to find a good cardio doc that is close to you.. I love that first square and the music one.. the music would be cute framed and on the wall.

  6. The cardiologist sounds like a great one! I hope the new one is as wonderful!

  7. Your blocks are very pretty! I hope you can find another cardiologist like this one. He sounds exceptional!

  8. I'm sorry your old doctor will be too far to get to. Nice that you'll be moving closer to family. Safe travels.

  9. As everyone else has said, your old doctor is one in a million. I hope you can find another one closer to you.
    I love the featured quilt block you posted. It could make a great picture on its own.

  10. I like the block.

    Your old Doctor sounds amazing. I hope you will be able to find another good one near to you.

    All the best Jan

  11. oh gosh sure hope that your husband is keeping on the mend side of the fence. i know my Dad has been dealing with a toe issue and it is amazing how something you might think is a tiny ouch can really send a lot of your health issues or problems ... you gotta keep you on health and all your so called minor concerns. it might be related or showing something else is there. etc. it is nice to see that he is making progress (my dad there i do mean) and seeing the less stress in my parents eyes ... when you know not you might be a bit more tense. ( ;


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