
Sunday, August 4, 2024


 I wish I had thought and taken a photo of all the puzzles I have finished the past few months.  I bet I have worked more since Christmas than I had worked the previous 10 years put together.  I usually only worked 2 or 3 a year, usually in the winter.  

I did back up my blog today...the first time in years and years.  I just wish I had started labeling it when I first started it.  But still there is the search function.  

I have did very little this day...I am heading upstairs just in a few minutes till it is time to give meds.  I did sit outside a good while and finished a book, Alaska Wilderness Adventure.  It was not a 5 star book, but still not bad.  


  1. We’ve put the puzzles away for the summer. The last one we tried was brutal.

  2. Nice puzzle. We haven't done any since winter. We will start again at the first snowfall. :)

  3. I like that puzzle. I imagine I'd like that Alaska Wilderness Adventure book too!!

  4. Really pretty puzzle. Much needed on this day of over 90 degrees!

  5. Hmmm...I've never thought about backing up my blog. Probably should as a lot of my quilt pictures have gotten lost / aren't accessible due to changes in media and laptops. Most on backed up on CDs and my current laptop doesn't have a CD drive. :o(

  6. Pretty puzzle. I haven't done one in a long time except the ones on the computer.
    I need to back up my blog. It's been ages since I did it and I don't think I even have it saved on this computer.

  7. I am with you on wishing for labels. I went the first few years with none then did a few and now I try to do all of them. I had the idea to search and add labels. It would take YEARS of doing some every day.. I gave up.
    I wish I loved puzzles, I should try one on the table and see if Bob might play with it.. its brain Excercise and requires no power

  8. That's a lovely puzzle! And you have reminded me I need to back up my blog too. Thanks Rose!

  9. On these very hot days your winter puzzle looks so cold and refreshing.
    If my computer crashes, I am in a heap of trouble. Guess I had better get busy and back up this very old laptop.

  10. I love the puzzle, but it makes me long for cooler days. Except for the hummingbirds, the song birds are on their own for the summer, so I haven't seen a cardinal in the yard for awhile.


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