
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

From the archives

These make me smile every time I see the photo.  Some people are just so creative.


NOT been busy today...I did not sleep at all last night till after I gave meds this morning.  Then I slept 2 1/2 hours...I tried reading, I tried coming and getting in the recliner, then back to bed.  Tried reading some more.  I tried a  word game I do when I am having trouble going to sleep.  Finally about the time for meds, I started having to work to stay awake.  I knew if I went to sleep, I would completely sleep through the time.  So gave them a few minutes early till I could sleep a little bit.

Just one of those nights.  I was not worrying about anything.  



  1. Hope you don't have one of those nights again tonight.

  2. Sorry for your sleepless night. When they happen it's rough the next day. I hope you get a wonderful sleep tonight.

  3. I hate when that happens. I'm usually making lists in my head or thinking I need to this or that in tomorrow. Sometimes I think I should just get up and do them.

  4. Those gourd pumpkins are so cute.
    I hate nights like that when I can't sleep

  5. I have a question, do you go on the computer screen, any device before bedtime. I have read that the screen makes us sleepless. THEY say no computer screens for 2 or 3 hours before bed time. you know I am The Fixer of every problem. Women seem to suffer from this more than men.

  6. I have night like that too, I try reading. The gourds are cute!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. I have those nights once in a while too. I hate them. Hope you have a better night tonight.

  8. I am glad you finally got some sleep. I would be napping during the day!

  9. It’s amazing how creativity can bring so much joy, even in the form of a simple photo!

    Sorry to hear you had such a restless night. It sounds like you tried everything to get some sleep. Sometimes, no matter how much we try, those nights can be tough. I hope you’re able to catch up on rest and find some moments of peace soon.

    Take care, and I hope tomorrow is a bit easier for you. I just published a new blog post. Check it out here: Would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share it if you find it useful.

  10. Seems like we are all in agreement..Been there and done that... Praying you get some rest tonight.
    Love the gourds, fun

  11. Love the gourds. I woke up wide awake the other night at 1:30. I got up read some and did 2 crossword puzzles and then went back to bed at 3:30 and slept till 6.

  12. I like those gourds, they look cute :)

    Sometimes sleep is elusive.
    Take care, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  13. That’s a cute picture. I hope you get a better night’s sleep tonight. I dropped off to sleep on the sofa earlier, woke up two hours later and now I am wide awake. Sweet dreams to both of us aI hope :)

  14. Some days sleep is elusive for my husband too, I can usually sleep anywhere anytime:)


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