
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Their days are numbered

 Our trees are almost bare.  We have had some hard, heavy rains.  Combine with the wind, the trees are almost bare.  Except for a young one she planted a few years ago.  It has still got most of its leaves.


Copper had to go to the vet for his yearly visit.  One vet hurt him 2 or 3 yrs ago when giving a shot, now none of them can touch him. He will listen to them, follow their commands about sitting, lay down, etc...and even wag his tale...but no touching. So Rachel has to start sedating him the night before.  And this one vet will get down on the floor with him and daughter, and daughter holds his mouth open/gums  and his ears and moves them however she wants them to go,  and even places the stethoscope on him while she listens.

Then when it comes to the shots and blood drawing, they take him back and he lays down and they put a heavy blanket on him, and he does okay with it.  

I don't remember if I told you, or just meant to tell you...he notices scents more than any dog I have ever seen, and I have seen and been around a LOT of dogs.  He walks out a lot of times and immediately is sniffing the air, trying to figure out from what direction a scent is coming from.  

Then the other side of that is, if you are walking along with your hands at your side, at some point, his nose is going to be right in your hand.  If you have had anything at all out of the ordinary in your pocket, his nose is going there.  When Kitty lays on my legs at night and he comes up...he examines every inch of my lap.  The throw will be wet from his examination.

So, remember he doesn't let the vet/crew touch him.  BUT, he feels not such thing about putting his nose in their hands!  (They do give him treats for listening to their commands.)  But is just funny.  And today he put his paws on the counter to sniff out the treats, and they some they give normally, but he smelled the salmon ones, and would not settle for the others.  

He has it made and doesn't even know it. 


  1. Sounds like he has a wonderful and tolerant vet!

  2. I just made Bella's bi-decade wellness appointment. She does NOT like vets...or their staff. On her last visit they had to sedate her. I'm so used to my other three who would tolerate anything and anyone.

  3. The weather has changed here too. Copper is priceless! What a great post.

  4. That sounds like a wonderful vet to go to all that to make Copper comfortable.

  5. Love the burgundy red of your leaf. Copper sounds like one very talented intelligent doggy :)

  6. We are seeing bare trees now too. Lots of leaves on the ground.
    I hope Copper had a good check up. He is a good dog, so cute too.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy weekend.

  7. he would make a good search and rescue dog or bomb dog with that nose.. I wish I could let him put his nose in my hand... Beau doesn't have as good as that but he does the same thing, his nose starts sniffing and he tracks really well. we will be walking and suddenly he stops to sniff and its Ike someone through out a 80 pound anchor and almost jerks my arm off

  8. Poor baby - he really must have been traumatized back then.

  9. Not many leaves left on the trees here later.
    Sounds like a good vet.
    We had a great vet too and my dog Sam love him and used to get exited when I'd say you want to go see Dr Hocking. :)

  10. Copper sounds quite intelligent and wise. You have a good vet to give him his shots.

  11. That is the most beautiful leaf! Ours are still falling, I’ve watched them today. We haven’t had any rain for several days. Maybe it is on its way. That’s so interesting about Copper but I understand completely. We had a family dog years ago who was once bitten on the nose by a terrier when he was a puppy, and he hated terriers for the rest of his life. Sounds like the vet and his team are excellent in taking care of him. Happy November Rose!

  12. What a great vet to go to all that to make Copper comfortable.

    All the best Jan

    PS Early happy birthday wishes Rose.

  13. Hope all went well for Copper. He is a sweetie!

  14. How's Copper feeling? Bug did well on her last trip to the vet. She doesn't wanna go yet when there, she lets them help her. She seems to know, they're there to help. Which I love.


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