
Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Would you believe

 Would you believe that this is one single zinnia plant?  I give you my word it is.  Early on something knocked it on it's side...we thought it would die, but it just continued to thrive.  It has been loaded with blooms all fall.    I know this is not a great picture, but you get the idea.


I went to Walmart today...I cannot go a single week without going.  But I am thankful to have one to go to.  In fact, there are two.  One is a lot closer than the one I go to, but it has the city feel to it...everyone in a rush and things torn asunder.  I had much rather drive 8 miles to one where everyone talks to everyone else, and jokes around.

Or say a couple weeks ago, I needed something on the top shelf...I am just a couple or three inches over 5 ft. tall...I don't think I could even touch the top shelf and nothing convenient to climb on.  Besides the fact I don't trust myself doing acrobatics like standing on the bottom shelf as I have done in the past.  So a gentleman probably 15 yrs younget than me was I said excuse me...would you reach and get this for me?  He was happy to oblige.  (I had looked around for a walmart employee and none were to be found.)

Then, today I was again  reaching on a shelf that I could just barely reach and stuggling to get what I wanted...someone just came and got it for me...I did not even see her coming...but I was thankful for her help.

Other than that and taking care of Copper and Roger...I had did cooking and dishes...the usual things. Took garbage out and carried necessary items to our room.  I still need to take a big box out to the garage but it will probably be tomorrow before I get it out.  And I need to go upstairs and feed kitty.  She is on my legs as I type this and I feel pinned down.


  1. I'm short too, down to about 5'3" now, so I have to ask someone if the item I want is on a top shelf. Like you, I'm not about to take chances.

    That's amazing about the zinnia.

    1. me too, down to 5'3" from 5'6 and 1/2 half my whole life.

    2. I belong to the "getting shorter club" too.
      I'm 5'2" and shrinking...

  2. That zinnia truly is amazing. By now mine have all finished blooming and are in the compost.
    I don't think I go a week without a visit to Walmart either.

  3. I love hearing that there are still decent people in the world willing to help a fellow human - sometimes there is so much negative stuff around that you wonder if decency still exists. Your zinnia is gorgeous :)

  4. It can be pretty hard to find roaming clerks in Wal-Mart! Good thing yours has so many friendly people!

  5. The zinnia is pretty! I had one in a pot on my deck this summer, I love the blooms. We go to Walmart once a week too. Take care, have a great day!

  6. I’d be going to the store a distance away too. That personal touch is important!

  7. I am sitting by bob with laptop on lap and said to him, you know that begonia I got last Christmas is still alive? I put it on the ground behind the car that was protecting the window from Milton and it got mashed, I sat it on the bench and it is blooming like crazy and I opened this post and laughed. zinnias and begonias must be hardy plants.
    I ask people for help for the top shelf too, and if I see someone in a wheel chair reaching down or up I offer help.
    I like our WM for the same reason you got to yours, the people that shop and work there are friendly but mine is only 2 miles

  8. We are at Walmart at least once a week too.
    It sure makes me feel good when someone helps me reach something. I actually have done it a few times for someone in one of those electric scooter things. What goes around , comes around.

  9. I'm 5 '5' so don't usually have trouble reaching shelves and I've gotten things off of shelves for people lots of times. :)
    Our closet Walmart it 20 miles away.


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