
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year!

Another photo from the archives.

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.


I am to the point of taking a blog break.  I just don't seem to have much to post about or much to say.  So if I go MIA for a while, nothing is really wrong.  I am just weary and need a change of pace.


Saturday, December 28, 2024

From the archives...

 I heard a robin when I went outside this morn...I have not heard one in several weeks.  And as I came home, I saw one in flight...but have not seen any in the yard.

Today has basically been a do nothing day.  I did one load of laundry and that is about the total of all I did, other than wash a few dishes and fix food for Roger.  My daughter made guacamole, and while I have never cared for it before, I do love hers.  And have a hard time stopping eating it.

Oh, I did vacuum upstairs...and spent time looking through fabric and hunting batting scraps that had been trimmed from other quilts.  I found enough to do what I want but I do have to seam the pieces together.  It is for finishing the little Christmas scrap piece I showed the other day.

I am going to leave you with a is predicting your mental age.  I was 20-29...just barely.  Another point and I would have been in the next age bracket.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Just a touch of Christmas

 I wanted a tree in our room...the one I really wanted to begin with I knew I would have to store it.  And I did not want something I had to take to the basement or have my daughter take....and have to bring it back up next year.

I have always loved these little white birch trees...or that is what I call them.  So I got the bright idea to use it and sprinkle a few red ornaments on it.  The light on the tip of the main branches twinkle and the rest stay on steady.  For that I am thankful.  And I do love it. And it folds down and fits into a bock that is maybe 3 inches by 5 or 6...not big. And 36 inches long... Not heavy.  and I can store in our room no problem.


We had a good one sick and everyone here.  Lots of laughter listening to Jeremy and Lorelei and what was going on with friends of theirs.  One thing about the marching band, thought it requires a lot of time, they have made some great friends, and it the whole of the family friends...parents and children.

Today I was just going to kick back and do nothing but then thought I best do some laundry.  And vacuumed a mess I had helped create.  And I just now came down from upstairs...I remembered the scraps from the backing from the orange peel quilt.  I cut borders from them and put them on the little Christmas thing I showed in my last post.  Feels so good to get something done.

I have not visited a single blog today...either I will shortly or will catch up tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Pieces of Christmas

 I had some of this already is just pieces of Christmas fabric stitched together any way they fit together.  As is, it is 22 inches square.  I do plan to put a little border all around the outside.


Daughter is preparing a cheesecake for tomorrow.  A banana creamcheesecake.  I bet it will be delicious.   I waited till today to vacuum ...still have to vacuum the living room.  I will do that later.

I just wanted to pop on and wish everyone Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sweet memories


I ran into a bunch of these old photos of Lorelei and Otto...Otti is what we called him.  I think I will always miss him.

Lorelei could do anything to him and he just took it and tried to give her kisses.  

Rosie, the little dog here, bossed him around and he just took it all in stride.  


Not a lot going on to tell about...a little housework, a tiny, tiny bit of sewing.  I am almost totally ready for Christmas.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Yesterday she was a princess....

 and today she is a young woman....

Just thought I would share....this is her with her dad when they went to New York.  He was a chaperone.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Those were the days....

 This is from the BS years...Before Stroke years.  We had it made and did not even know it.

I have not accomplished much today.  Another run to Walmart...I also went yesterday but to a different one and to pick up an item for Lorelei for Christmas.  Then I wanted to rush home and cancel it from Amazon.

I didn't really need much today, but I wanted to take my cards by the actual post office to put in their drop box.  Remember the bracelets that I ordered the 3rd and were supposed to be delivered the 7th?  I think I told about it on here.  Anyway, they are still not here.

Instead of rambling about my day, I will tell some tales on Copper.    So, his mama brushes him downstairs, and when she is done, she picks up the biggest hair messes of hair and then gets the vacuum...soon as she stops he runs to the vacuum and starts barking at it and 'digging' at it with his paws. 

So, he got a couple new toys lately...that had stuffing and squeakers.  Well, he tore off the arm and had stuffing everywhere.  His mom got up and started cleaning up the mess.  He went to the vacuum cleaner and started barking and digging at it.    So he has made the connection that it cleans up his messes.              

He tore the squeakers out of the toys.  Daughter put them in the top drawer in the mini kitchen.  A day or two later, she was getting something out of the bottom drawer...he came over and caught a whiff of the squeakers and was smelling and selling.   His nose is like a third hand/third eye....depending on what he wants to use it for.)

She closed the drawers and went on to take her shower, came out and he had the bottom two drawers open, but the top is too high for him to open with his paws, and he couldn't quite open it with his nose.  He had also been in the utility room and something else.  

This house has levers on the doors instead of door knobs....which is very handy if you are by yourself and have a load and need the door just use your elbow and can open the door.  But he opens the door to his treats...he comes bursting into our room any time he wants if we don't have the gate closed.  Thankfully the outside doors do have knobs, or he would be running out them.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

From the archives....

 This is from several years ago...I think the only time I was ever lucky enough to get out any at all when there was hoarfrost.  

It has been a very lazy day for me...yet I am tired enough to go to bed.  Not one peep of sun.  cloudy and rainy all day.  Just so dreary.  

I did address a few Christmas cards.  I do not sound out but a very, very few and remember a time when I had to buy two boxes.  I looked in the address book and so many of the people have passed on.  Sort of sad to even look.  

I am going to leave you with the video of a future EMT...or someone in the medical field.

Friday, December 13, 2024

In my former days

 If I returned to my former days, in weather like today, I would be wondering could I stand the cold to work or should I just stay home.  The photo above was taken in the spring, at the end of pruning.  What I am pruning here is some grafts we did of this apple that was huge and red.  I cannot even think what we called it...Maybe Garnet Beauty.  My boss got the grafts from someone else who did not know what they were....

If I went to work, my boss had to be there on the super cold morning because my picker was pull start and I simply could not start it in the cold.  I had a little Echo chain saw, actually I was on my second one when I quit.  My boss had a local guy he bought from and he told the guy he needed one easy to start...and they were.  Turn the choke on and pull once it fired, turn the choke off and it would start on the second pull.  I am sure there were probably a time here and there it didn't but I do not remember them.  It only had a 12 inch bar...but I could cut down the oldest apple trees just fine.

When I first started working there, there were 5 long rows of Red Delicious...when I left we had taken out all but one....well, on another row we had grafted Granny Smith.   

I would give anything for you to have been there the first year.  I worked there 19 years and there was never another year quite like it. The apples were huge!  and limbs had to be propped up to hold the weight.  I do not know why I didn't take a camera...I think because I was so new.  And though it was like coming home the first time I visited the place, I still was not quite comfortable enough to take a camera and take pictures instead of going straight to work.  Now I know they would have loved it as much as me.

Enough reminiscing for tonight...

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Just a few stitches

 I usually make crumb blocks that are a mixture of anything and everything.  But when I made the Orange Peel quilt, I had all these tiny bits of orange fabrics left, plus I made at least two or three sets of the pumpkins seen may have to scroll down just a bit.

So  save all the scraps and stitch them together at odd moments.  I have no idea what I will eventually use thee pieces for.  I have used a few bits in make other things.  I only sewed on a couple of these tonight.  

The apron is finished and I don't know if I will ever wear it.  I do not like how it feels on at all.  Well, I say finished...I have not sewn the neck strap on.  The patter calls for one, and calls for both ends to be sewn.  I think I am going to make a second till it can be adjusted.  But I don't know if I will ever wear it.  It is that bad.

I did my walmart run today...and that is about all.  Other than some of the usual chores.  

I have something lost in the was supposed to come last Friday but decided to disappear...there has not been an update on it since the 8th.  It is a small package, so who knows where it ended up.  

Monday, December 9, 2024

From the archives...

 Calves are just so adorable!  Been ages and ages since I have actually got up close and personal with one.  But I would sure like the opportunity.


It rained last night...and really hard part of the time.  Then today Roger had an appt to have blood drawn to do kidnery function test.  I was hoping the rain would be over, and it was except was misting when we had to leave but by the time we got headed home, not even that.

Let me tell you about this visit...not so much the visit but the parking lot part of it.  So we have a handicapped parking permit, but the handicapped parking spots do not have the extra wide space between spots.  So no getting the wheel chair through and opening the car door wide open.  There is one spot if you happened to get it it would work.  But I have never been so luck. Which is okay....I can walk.  I never use it just for myself.  

So I get a bit far away from the doors and park where there is an open space beside me and since there are parking spaces close to the doors, I just pray no one parks next to me.  There is no way that Roger can walk from the back of the car up to the door.

But that is beside the point.  The place I parked, the pavement comes right up to where the spaces begin, and then it is different. The spaces are pavers.  So, I get the wheel chair out and get it up to Roger, he gets in, I back him away till I can shut and lock the doors...turn him around and it is a slight incline...and am pushing him and hit the lip where the pavers meet the really jarred him.  I did not dream the edge had that much of a difference that the wheel would not go over it easily.  Even if they are the smaller front wheels.

Not only that, I stepped on the back to lift the front up and proceeded forward and it does take effort to push...and I proceeded to trip over that lip myself!  If I had not been pushing him and have hold of the wheel chair, I would have fell so hard.  I don't even like to think about it.  I did get tickled...and went on.

Of course there was a truck waiting for us to get no way did I escape being seen....


For your viewing pleasure I leave you with this one.  It is funny, I had the past 2 or 3 videos all pop up within a couple days and now have not seen one worth posting for several days.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Pretty lady.....

 I might should have tried to lighten the view a little, but since I have done uploaded her, I am not going to mess with her.  If I remember her hubby will be posted over on my other blog.

Us girls went to Hobby Lobby today.  Two things stood out.  It was not very crowded for a Saturday, and it did not seem like they had as much as usual.  Maybe they had done been slammed Thanksgiving weekend.  I did buy something and may at some point post it.  I did not think to do it tonight.

We are having a heatwave compared to what we have been having.  I actually walked to the mailbox in my shirtsleeves this afternoon.  And supposed to be up in lower 50's on Monday, which is good cause Roger has an appt for labs.  

I will go forever and not have any videos to post, and then happen to find several.  This one will make you chuckle.  One of my daughters says there is a longer one but I have not taken the time to look for it.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

One more puzzle...

 This one was only 500 pieces...but it was fun.  The pieces were huge.  In reality, I suppose they were only twice the size of the puzzles I normally work.  It was the same size as they are, just half as many pieces.


It was a day to vacuum around here.  First the downstairs, then the upstairs, and I had to make a run to the drug store to pick up the Repatha shots that Roger gets.  One very two weeks.  The pharmacy is only a couple miles away and has a drive through window so that was a quick job.  I just have to make sure I remember to go.  LOL

It was another cold day here...the high I saw was 23°F.  But at least we did not get up to ice on the roads.  But starting around 10:30...give or take a bit of time, the winds just howled.  

It was pick up day for the garbage....I don't know what happened but there is bits of stuff blown all around the neighborhood.  I do not know if a garbage can got blown over or if it had to do with them waste management company...they use the trucks that only has the driver, and it has an arm that picks the bin up and dumps it and sets it back down.  With it being all over the neighborhood, I kind of think it has to do with that.

Now let me leave you with a smile...

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Another touch of warm weather...

  I always love all the different yellow flowers that appear...I just flat out like yellow.  But then I just really enjoy all the colors.

Not much went on in my neck of the woods.  Got one of my bigger chores out of the way, but then didn't get others.  It was 17°F when I got up to give meds, and the warmest I saw it get was 27°F

This is going to be a short post on my side but am posting a video I ran is a bit longer than normal, and you are going to think what is funny about this when you see it, but just listen/watch.  Daughter thought it funny, and so did her coworker.  And I get tickled at this guy every time I listen to him, but you can tell he is such a nice guy.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Longing for warmer days...

I was looking through my old photos while I was killing time till time to give evening meds and found myself wanting to step back in time for more reasons than one.  

But one was to visit summer again.  Warmer days.  Not having to grab a jacket to go outside.  I miss being able to wear only flip flops.  Copper likes for me to stay out with him but I just do not enjoy it now.  

Winter does make one very thankful they have a warm home to be in.  And family to share it with.