
Monday, November 10, 2008

Kind of humorous

Merom is a small place with a population of approximately did not have a gas station, but it did have two cafes. Side by side...this is the one we stopped to get something to drink at. When we came out, Roger noticed what all was listed on their sign. We kind of chuckled at the welding supplies. But we glance to the back and attached to the back was a welding shop.

From there we went on south, then east and back up through some country we had not seen before. We came across this sort of unusual looking barn...and be sure and click and enlarge and look at the post the mailbox is on. I didn't notice that till I downloaded the picture.
And there was this barn....
what was sitting inside is what drew my eye.
But I also liked the overall appearance of the barn.


  1. I like that overall appearance also. The barn photos are good.

  2. A wonderful series from the restaurant sign to that marvelous looking barn that looks so throughly weathered. I enjoyed this group of shots very much.

  3. I love these Rose!
    Weathered and weedy!

    I have some barns for Sky Watch this week I think you'll like.

  4. Fun post, Rose. And of course I LOVE the barn. ;-)

  5. That sign is a hoot! I picture patrons sitting there having their pie and coffee amid flying sparks! And the mailbox post. I had to look at it quite a whle, but...are those old horsehoes?!

  6. The barn shots are great, but the autumn tree collage below is MAGNIFICENT!!! I LOVE IT & no I'm not tired of fall photos - it's such a gorgeous time of year!

  7. I love your pictures! I can't tell what the mailbox post is made of but everything in the picture looks crooked or torn up. It sure is a big barn.

  8. Oooh, NICE barn!!!! And wonderful shot of have a way with a camera!


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