
Sunday, November 9, 2008


Not sure what is going on with the collage...seems a bit strange here where I am composing this. I was afraid everyone might be getting tired of fall photos, yet I just could not stop till I posted these. I was going to post all of the ones in the collage separately, then thought maybe it would be better to post it as a collage. I am hoping it will enlarge big enough for you to get a feel for the photos used in it.
I could not post without including the wonderful sweet gum...I think it is my favorite of big trees--the leaves turn all colors. It just happened that I didn't take a picture featuring all the colors. A lot of them will have a range of color from bright yellow to a purple that is almost black...with every color in between.
Even so, aren't these all so glorious?
It is wintry feeling here in the Midwest today. I cannot get over just how much like winter the air feels. It isn't freezing cold, but it is cold. It is just the look of everything and the feel that is in the air.

My kitties tend to stay inside a bit more. And that is good for all concerned. Yesterday I was sitting in the living room and thought I saw a bird fly across the yard down low...and thought it was the size of a blackbird or robin, but I haven't been seeing any. I got up and looked out the window and didn't see anything.

So I went outside to have a better look, and it was Puss Puss aka The Princess with a little bitty bird. She took off like lightening with me right behind her...I chased her around to the back and got her cornered and she let go of the bird and it flew away. I did not get a good look, but was so afraid it was a wren.

I sometimes wish I didn't like cats so well, or that they would all be as lazy as my original Cougar was...he sure didn't spend much time hunting. But they are not. I still love them, though, and cannot imagine life without them. Every night, my new Cougar comes and cries and wants me to sit down and hold him for a while. It is so relaxing.

And heaven forbid I go in and find one on the bed of the day...I just have to lay down with it for a few minutes.

However, there are the times around 11:00 or midnight, when they are outside and come to the door. I get up to let whichever one it is in, and they turn around and go the other way. They are wanting me to come outside with them. Here about a month ago, Cougar did me that way at least half a dozen times....Roger was laughing at me. And him.

So, after Roger went to bed, Bubbie wanted out about the time Cougar was at the window again. So I let Bubbie out, and went outside talking to him and not paying Cougar any attention...I got close enough to Cougar that time and snatched him and brought him in.

And then there are the times it is raining, or supposed to rain and I am out searching the yard and surrounding area at midnight trying to get them all rounded up and inside. I call myself the cat herder...


  1. Your collage is just wonderful and magnifies beautifully.

    Cats....I'll never understand 'em!

  2. The collage is really beautiful!
    I love the image of the sun coming through the trees.
    The gum leaves are pretty but those old balls are hard to walk and mow around.

  3. Gorgeous collage, Rose, and I love the sweet gum leaves photos. The only sweet gum on my property fell during a terrible windstorm some years ago. While I sure don't miss raking up 'gum balls' I do miss the colorful leaves.
    I loved your cat tales.

  4. I won't tire of your autumn photos, Rose. I wish the leaves were still so beautiful here. And I wish sweet gum trees were hardy enough for central Ontario. I've always loved the seed pods...but now I find the fall leaves come in all shades! What a marvelous tree!

  5. The collage works out very well in my opinion. I still admire and enjoy the fall colors. This is especially true of your leaves which appear to have much more intense color and variety than tree have been here this fall. Nice post.

  6. Post all the fall photos you want...they are gorgeous! I know what you mean about cats since I have 3 of them. One of them is always on "the wrong side of the door"....doesn't matter which side. Another puts us to bed every night and stays with us for about 5 minutes and then goes to her own bed. I have to bring them in at nice because of skunks and other varmints.


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