
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Moon shots

Yesterday evening it was that time that is sort of between daylight and dark as we were heading home from Sarah's. I happened to glance to the east and there was this great big moon! I took about half a dozen shots...the first one is unedited except for resizing, and the second one is just cropped.


  1. Rose, those turned out good. I've never ad much luck in getting good moon shots.

  2. WHOA! Fantastic photos! Its known as a "Cold Moon" this month . Called by Native American tribes of New England and the Great Lakes because the nights have become long at this time of year.

  3. Lovely! I didn't have a clear glimpse of the initial moon rise, but was able to see a bit of the wonderful color as it cleared the housetops to the northeast of me. No photos, unfortunately.

  4. Those are great shots of the moon! Have a wonderful Sunday! :)

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, Rose.. Breath-taking!!!!

  6. OOPS ment to post about the moon here, Stunning photo

  7. That's an award-winning shot in my book - lovely capture of color and light!

  8. Love that second one Rose!
    It has been too cloudy this week for me to see it through the clouds.

  9. Very, very nice, Rose. Stunners, for sure!

    I Knew there was a full moon up there above those clouds! I was way too overcast to see here.

  10. excellent shot. I wish I would have been out side to see this one. Thanks for sharing

  11. Ohhh...lovely color! These are stunning.

  12. I never did see it, but my husband heard the moon was the closest to earth in 15 years. Great capture!

  13. Beautiful Rose! That must be the same moon I saw in Alabama. lol! I took several pictures but none of them turned out. I can only get a moon shot during the day.


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