
Monday, December 15, 2008

Odds and ends....

I could not choose which I liked best between these two versions...I must say that the first one is probably more true to life...I clicked auto contrast in Photoshop Elements 2 to get the second version.
These other shots are just odds and ends...
the one above is very grainy, and just a tad bit out of focus.
And I found these twisted vines interesting.
And the above was an actual tree that had at one time or another had a vine around it. I had to use auto contrast to make this picture worth viewing...the original was much to dark. I worked on it with fill flash and the hue and saturation, but auto contrast got the most viewable picture.

It is a VERY cold day here in Indiana...the wind just howled last night. I got up this morn and the house was cold...someone had turned the heat off yesterday! I thought it a miracle that the thermometer read only 64 degrees F. As cold as it is outside, that was a blessing. The prediction calls for it to stay in the lower 20's, with a few snow flurries but no accumulation. Along with gusts of wind.


  1. I like the snowy pictures. For me, they are both acceptable choices...just a matter of taste. The others are interesting too - especially the vine wrap. Nice post.

  2. More wonderful shots - I do enjoy your 'take' on things, the scenes and objects your eye is attracted to!

  3. Great camera work. I agree with DG - your "take" on things is always unique and interesting to view. Love the second photo.

  4. Hi Ruth, I'm not the 'professional' photographer that you are---so I'll just say that I enjoyed ALL of the pictures.

    That ole' vine may be a Virginia Creeper. We have them all over the place here---and I am constantly pulling them off of the trees.

  5. I like both of the snow pictures.

    Don't pay any attention to Betsy calling you Ruth ..... she's just upset that she didn't get any snow in TN. :)

  6. You have the greatest pictures again, I really enjoy checking on you each day...the moon shots from the last entry are just awesome ~ the moon was very large here also, but the coloring of yours is amazing!

  7. I like the bittersweet and the vines and twisted tree...great!

  8. I like the second snowy image - my taste.
    The bittersweet with the blurry background I like as well.
    My Wisteria has those twisted vines and I constantly marvel at the patterns it makes.
    Today was warmer in the mid fifties but it's down to 33 tonight and flurries expected.


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