
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A little bit of snow

For sepia scenes, scroll on down!It is just cold enough for the snow to stick...but I think we are only going to get flurries. Not any measurable snow! I guess I should be happy with Sarah's shower being this weekend.This is a boring post, but wanted to post something. I took a tylenol pm last night till I could sleep. I cannot remember how many times I had to get up or what for...but I know I was up at least 3 times but I went back to bed every time and right to sleep.

I am not worse than yesterday, but not well either. I didn't sneeze the whole day through though, so that is an improvement. My daughter's sinus thing is coming back on her, and Roger feels bad. When it rains, it pours at our house! Maybe by next week at this time, it will all seem like a bad dream.

I did go and pick up some of the stuff we need for the shower, but will have to make another shopping trip for it. I half plan on doing that in the morning. Then Friday I can do a lot of the preparations. I am sure then I will find things I haven't bought and will probably have to make a couple runs to the store. Even though I have tried to make a list, I know me well enough to know that there will be something I forget.


  1. Rose why the camera withdrawl pains? What is blogger doing to you, no pictures just the red Xs in the place of pictures...crazy huh?

    Hope you are feeling better soon, there are plans to be made and things to shop for ~ "better" I say BETTER PLEASE!!

  2. Oh Rose... You got snow!!!! That's neat.. I would love to see some--just a little..

    I love that first picture with the flag. We have a flag pole (lit) in our front yard and I love it. There's just something about flags!!!! Thanks!!!

    Hope you sleep better tonight. Sometimes those PM drugs act in reverse I've heard... Do you have a recliner? I can sleep better in a recliner when I'm sick.. I think it's because it is not flat....

    Hope all in your home get well soon--humans and animals!!!!

  3. Great shots!
    We got flurries too but too late to take pics. Maybe tomorrow.
    Hope you sleep better and feel better soon.

  4. The weather man mentioned snow in his forecast for tonight and tomorrow, so Betsy is hopeful.
    I really like your flag picture.

  5. It is NOT a boring post - that photo of the American flag in the falling snow is awesome!!!

    I hope you get to feeling better & everyone else there too, of course, & I hope the shower is goes GREAT!!! Have fun!!!

  6. No post is boring when we can check in with our friends. Looks like for once we got about the same bit of snow. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Your posts are never boring to me! :-) I like the dusting of snow to decorate your shots. The flag is particularly attractive.

  8. The flag really jumps out of this scene! I had to look twice -- and carefully -- to see if you'd spot colored it. Nicely done!

  9. Well, I beg to differ - not a boring posts at all. The photos of the snow and branches, and the tree with its skirt of snow are pure art!

  10. there is something so beautiful about a flag waving in the wind - and I love the sound it makes

    feel better!

  11. I hope you feel better for the shower, Rose!


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