
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sepia scenes

I did try a little something else in sepia, but I couldn't totally forget barns!Since blogger does not want to upload pictures for me, I am just going to tell you to go the Sepia Scenes blog to join or to find links to more places to visit.


  1. Hey Rose,
    Can't see your pictures - blogger is being a real pain.
    I haven't been able to do anything.
    Will come back later.

  2. Hmmmm Rose.. I haven't had trouble lately. AND I'm new to Blogger. Did I make a mistake???? I did see two of your pictures in sepia. Very nice!!!

  3. I see the pictures but am having trouble getting blogger to let me use their picture links, always something. Love both shots by the way.

  4. Finally!
    I love these! I know that first one is of rocks but honestly that one big one looks like a potato!
    The barn is perfect.

    I went ahead and downloaded pics for tomorrow just in case. :)

  5. Rose, I haven't had any problems with your posts. I really like your barn picture.

  6. Both shots are great, but I love the barn shot - it looks really good in sepia!

  7. Love the stones in sepia! Very imposing and somehow they look more boulderous in sepia!

    And I am always fascinated by barn shapes! Always great in sepia!

  8. I can see, I can see!! love your barns. judi

  9. Lovely sepia shots! Love the stones :O)

  10. I was thinking the same thing Carletta did -- that big rock and the darker one above it both look like potatoes!

    And a barn is never a bad choice. They have such character -- at least most of the time.

  11. I love barns and you make excellent use of shadows! Happy Sepia Scenes! :)

  12. can never go wrong with a good old barn :)

    but I love the rocks - the shade and the shadows are so pretty

  13. I LOVE barns in sepia! Keep up the good work. ;-)

  14. I agree, barns were born to be sepia-fied. But the rocks make a great study in texture too.


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