
Sunday, October 18, 2009

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not

I hate to overdo a subject, but I just cannot resist showing these taken today.
Lorelei came to stay with us while her mommy and daddy went to the Covered Bridge Festival...
I must say that a good time was had by all.
She was one busy little girl...
she first wanted in her bored with that...
Then we went outside for a while. That was followed by playing on the floor with some of her toys. By the time she did all that, she was ready for a bottle and a nap.

By the time she woke from it her Aunt Rachel was she visited with her for a bit. Soon, her mommy and daddy were back.


  1. She's at such a great age, too. Everything fun is really fun and naptime isn't a dramatic event! She's so pretty.

  2. Oh she is such a Cutie, Rose. She's growing too darn fast, isn't she???? Love those big blue eyes. She's so inquisitive.


  3. Wow, she has grown! Seems like yesterday she was just a tiny baby lying there.
    Cindy sent me a video of Lucy rolling over yesterday. I won't know her when I see her. :)

  4. Your little Lorelei is so precious. She certainly looks happy wherever she lands at your place!

    I do not get to spend the time with my little ones like I use to and I miss them all terribly!
    Enjoy every moment :)

  5. Kids this age are learning so much and so fast! Obviously she's used to having her photo taken. ;-)

  6. Funny title...and very appropos! What a wide-eyed little lovely...I can imagine she keeps you on your toes...just wait 'til she starts walking! Whee!

  7. She is always so adorable looking...such big eyes and so happy :-) You give us all a smile when you show her.

  8. What a sweetie! Your Lorelei is just growing so fast, and her personality is showing on your pics...thank you for sharing! Have a great week, keep those pics coming!

  9. she is so cute! And looks very active!!

  10. Lorelei just keeps getting cuter and cuter. What a joy she must be to have around.

  11. What a beautiful youngster. This is a fine series with a nice variety of expressions and situations. Thanks for all the pictures - we get to participate in Lorelei's adventures!

  12. So much to discover! What a dear little face!


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