
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One more with an update

I meant to post this one of Lorelei the other was taken in September. I love the pleasant, contented look on her face.
Guess what? Computer problems here again. On the old computer. On top of that I have had a bit of a cold and just didn't feel normal.

When I have computer problems, I just obsess about it till I do something, but haven't felt like doing anything. But I have started...the slate is being wiped clean as I speak. It was this Security Tool thing that got on Sunday...if I tried to run my antivirus ware, it would turn the computer off. I tried to go to Microsoft to get something to get rid of it, and it would not let it run, nor would it let some other anti-adware run.

I tried going to the safe mode to delete somethings, and though I only found one thing to delete, soon as I restarted the computer, it was back again.

So, until I get this settled, I won't be doing much of anything other than fooling with it.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your computer problems. I hope you get things cleared up soon.
    The picture here is just great.

  2. She is such a doll...Sorry about your computer problems. I just hate when that happens over here.

  3. EW! I hate adding new software to my computer. You just never know what's going to happen next.

    I agree the photo taken in September is a great one!

  4. Go to Start, Accessories, and System Restore...restore you system to a time earlier that last Sunday...that should put you back in business...

  5. Computer problems are a pain, my computer has been behaving very well but we had a modem problem last weekend. The cable company finally gave us a new one and all is good. Then blogger started acting up and made it almost impossible to post comments and loading photos was taking hours. Finally blogger fixed, for now.

    Jacob's advice is good, a system restore can solve many issues with the computer. If you haven't tried it already it will help.



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