
Friday, June 11, 2010

American Picker's Paradise

I feel like I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off this week. I think I have only been home all day one day, and not positive of that. But if I wasn't home all day that day, I didn't leave our little town. And I am not getting any time to go on an excursion to take photographs. I had to go back and really search for a photo to post. With how hot it is, I thought it might be nice to look back just a few months to see what we are missing. This was taken January 7, 2010...

I just have to see this to be glad I don't have to get out in it. The heat is miserable, but I don't miss having to wear layers. I don't miss my fingers freezing when I do take pictures...well, they do if I forget my little knit gloves. I don't miss shopping in the freezing cold. I suppose there are other things I don't miss.

But at the same time, there is nothing like being home and looking out at a day like this and knowing you don't have to get out in it. In spite of not missing it right now, I know when the time rolls around again, the prospect of snow will thrill me just like it did when I was a kid. I don't think I will ever get to old to feel that thrill.
Does anyone else watch the show American Pickers? It is one of my favorite shows...any time I see a place such as the one pictured I think of that show. I have even known a place or two I think the guys would love picking through. I KNOW I have thrown stuff away they would have loved. I probably even have a few in our old garage.


  1. I knew it!!!!! We were complaining back then about it being too darn cold and snowy.... Now we are complaining about it being too hot and muggy... We can't win, can we?????? ha ha ha... That's just the way we humans are!!!!! Oh Well!!!

    We've had rain -rain-rain this week. It's kept our temps down a little---but it's still humid... George cannot get the lawn mowed due to the storms.

    I haven't seen that show.. I'll have to check it out sometime.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh, I am glad it doesn't look like that outside now. I don't miss shopping in the freezing cold, either! That is a fabulous photo, however.

    As for American Pickers, I think we could probably provide them with a couple of things, and like you, could probably direct them to a place or two, starting here.

  3. Oh man Rose that is just what I needed to see to cool down. We haven't turned our air on and it's been pretty warm here. I have never seen that show. I'll have to go check it out.

  4. Actually *snow* is my favorite to look at...I can always add layers :>)...neat picture, Rose! Have a great weekend!

  5. We love "American Pickers!" I bet the antique archaeologists would enjoy visiting you.

  6. I much prefer winter over summer...because of the heat. But the photo opportunities on nice summer days are greater, I have to admit.

    It's not hot here right now but rainy. We did have some heat last week, though.

  7. Rose: I do watch the show and think it is pretty funny. They deal with some eccentric folks.

  8. American Pickers - we record every episode!
    It hasn't been hot here yet - thank goodness. Light rain today. I actually sat on my front porch in my rocker and just watched. :)

  9. I agree not sure what I hate the most the heat and the humidity or all that snow.

    As I tend to be having permanent hot flashes I think I prefer the cold weather!!

    Gill in Canada

  10. Wonderful photo! I can look at the snow now and think it looks both ways....but I'm sure I will not be thrilled when it is time for it again. We don't get a lot of snow, so I can usually enjoy what we do have. But don't like getting out in it and being cold.

  11. Thanks for cooling us off with a snowy picture. I haven't seen the show American Pickers, but there are a few things to pick through here.

  12. I really love this shot! Maybe that's because it's in the high 90s here now! But I'd rather be warm than cold.


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