
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rural Indiana

I love the way the vines cover the old silo...some people see a place like this and wonder why someone don't care for it better. I have been guilty of thinking that myself. But then if I give it a second thought, I have a feeling the people probably have more work than they can handle. And maybe not enough money to do the repairs.

When I was a kid, we always had nails...or almost always had nails on hand, and in various sizes. And could usually find lumber to do small jobs with. I think about it now...think about the playhouse and tree house we built, and I wonder where the wood came from. We did not go buy it...I don't remember even asking if we could use it. And we didn't get into trouble for using was just there.

I know when 'we' built our house, that my dad had the lumber cut from trees on our property. I think dad could look at a tree and figure the board feet that would come from it. He had trouble getting someone to cut it to his specifications. He wanted the boards to be finished one inch thick...not like they are now--3/4 inch thick. I don't know why that sticks in my mind...I know I had to hear him talk about it later in my life, cause I was only about 4 or 5 years old when it was built.

And I do remember helping sand the drywall where the nails were mudded over. I don't remember how much I don' could have been very little. I do remember also folding the drywall tape that goes in the corners to be mudded over.

I often think our mom never bragged or was proud of any of us, even though we were not bad kids...but I do remember her bragging to other people that I helped to build the house.


  1. I like this old farm photo, especially the vine on the silo.

    It's interesting what we remember from our childhood, isn't it? My sister and I remember way back when so differently. My childhood was happy, hers was not - yet we were only 17 months apart in age and she was the kid with a zillion friends and I was the one always reading a book.

  2. It's funny what we remember from childhood. You're right some people would see that building as a neglected ruin, others see it as a quaint country place......

    Gill in Canada

  3. EG, I only wish it were like that with us kids. There were 8 of us, and we all agree about our childhood and our mom...not that it was all horrible, but it was not ideal by any means and definitely not at all normal.

  4. I love that old silo and barn. I think you are right about it being a matter of time and money for fixing up things like this. I like hearing about your dad getting the lumber and building the house and you helping. My dad liked working with wood and I can remember going to lumber yards with him.

  5. Great Vines! Nice barn, nice scene; I like it! :-D

    Thanks for the good wishes! :-D

  6. A fine image of this silo and old barn. It is a good picture to accompany the thoughts from your childhood. Our minds are a marvelous thing!

  7. I think you are right about the old place and then again who are we to judge what others do. I am guilty too.
    It is funny the different things we remember about our childhood I had a happy childhood even if things weren't so great. but I didn't know.
    You have warm memories too.

    PS. I love it when the skies get so dark yet the sun is shining on one side. The sky is so fascinating. MB MB

  8. Thanks for sharing some great memories along with a wonderful picture of the old barn and silo.

  9. This is another story for your book, Rose! Fascinating stuff!

    As to the farm would take lots of money to get that old silo and barn back in shape...they probably don't use it any more, so let it go...

  10. That old barn has character. The vine growing around the sill is such a lush green color; I like it.

    How cool that you helped your dad build your house!

  11. Hi Rose, I love posts like this when you share more of your childhood. Your Mom and Dad were VERY proud of all of you I'm sure. They may not have showed it --but they WERE.... You were/are good kids!!!! Look how you turned out --at least you and Neal!!!!

    Love seeing the vines on the old silo.... Neat!!!

  12. I love ivy covered silos. I think part of the neglect is the owners have gotten too old. Farming isn't as it once was. The younger family members don't take over the business as much and the elderly just can't keep it up.


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