
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Interesting skies...

The sky has really been interesting the past few days....this was taken yesterday. I never tire of looking to see what is going on when the sky is like this. I actually waste a lot of time going to the door to look out or looking out the windows.
To those of you who have asked about Lorelei, she is feeling better. She is still on antibiotics...has a few more days of them left.

She started feeling better just in a day or two after starting them. As you read the following, keep in mind that she does not take naps now, and still will want to stay up till 9:00 sometimes. I think it was about the second night after she started the antibiotics, she came and got her mom's hand and said 'Tickle my Back!' and started leading her down the hallway to her room. Oh, I guess I should tell you, that we always rub/tickle her back just a few minutes when we put her to bed.

Roger asked me who started that....I don't know if it was me or Sarah. When Sarah was little and felt bad, she liked for me to do her face just real lightly with a finger or two...and I know I have always did Lorelei's face and back, but more her back....but I think her mommy has, too.

Anyway, her daddy was up by then, but still had time before he had to work. (he works nights--10:00 p.m/ -10:00 a.m.) Anyway, she stopped to hug him goodnight, and he told her she didn't have to go to bed yet. It was not even dark! She just insisted on Sarah going down the hallway with her, she got in her bed and had Sarah tickle her back about 10 seconds, and told her that was enough, and went on to sleep and slept till 8:30 the next morn, and was only up once during the night.

So, she is doing better with rest also.
We ran out to the orchard and I got apples to make a pie for Roger this evening...I have not even tasted it yet. I really like to have vanilla ice cream to with I have been holding off.

It was an absolutely glorious day here today...hoping we have several more of them to come.


  1. I'm glad she's feeling better. We had a beautiful day here as well. Wonderful sky pic Rose.

  2. I'm glad she is feeling better, too. :)

  3. Hi Rose, Glad Lorelei is better. Bless her heart.. She's just an active little gal!!!! My youngest was like that... He fought sleep constantly.. Didn't want to miss anything! ha

    What kinds of apples did you get? We love Honeycrisp (we eat them raw) --but haven't seen them yet. SO--we've been getting Fuji --and they are pretty good--but VERY expensive (like everything else).


  4. That it is an interesting sky that you captured. I'm glad to hear that Lorelei is starting to feel better.

  5. I love sky pictures as well, clouds can be amazing to look at!
    I'm glad Lorelei is feeling better, sometimes they just need that magic medicine. I remember when my youngest was little she used to come up and say mummy tickle my back - she used to love it.

  6. Glad she's better! Apple pie sounds so good right now.

  7. It's so much nicer traveling down the road under skies that have some texture. At least I think so. :)
    Glad Lorelei is better.
    Pie and ice cream - yum!!

  8. Fine road shot with that curve and the interesting clouds overhead. I'm glad Lorelei is on the mend. The apple pie sounded so good!

  9. I also spend so much time looking at the sky that's it's wonder I don't have a stiff neck! Yes, that is an unusual picture, it looks like the cloud is coming down on top of you. I'm so glad Lorelei is doing better!!

  10. this is a fabulous picture. i love to photograph the sky and clouds but often find the picture does not capture the magic i see!!

    i hope your saving some pie for me (wink)!!

  11. I'm so glad Lorelei is feeling better! I love that tickles put her to sleep.

    Apple pie sounds good!

  12. That pie sounds good. Be right over...

    Tickling her sounds familiar - I'm sure I have known someone who liked that light touch. I can't stand it as it makes my skin crawl, but I love a hand on my back. No moving around, just a still hand. My dad did that when I was a kid and I still love it. It's such a comfort, so in that way, I understand why she loves it. How very nice.

  13. I'm glad that Lorelei is better. So hard to see a child sick! That is so sweet about you tickling her back for her. She must ahve really been tired that night, but sleep is the great healer.


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