
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pulling fence posts....

NOTE: this is not us...just a you tube video
We have been taking down a section of old fence between the house and the garage. I think that was about 6 fence posts....and this is the method we used. Our posts were in the ground farther, but it worked like a charm.

The chain is wrapped around the post down close to the ground, the tire is placed in front of the post and the chained pulled up over it and over to the hitch on the truck. Roger held the chain in place over the tire while I eased and took the slack out. When it was tight on it, Roger moved away and I put the pedal to the medal and out they popped.

One gave us trouble, and we had to leave it while we removed the rest of the posts...then when we could pull from a different direction it popped right out, too. It was in the ground at least 3 feet.

It was so heavy Roger had to use the chainsaw and cut it into pieces to load it in the truck. When he started that just cannot imagine how it was music to my ears. And the smell! Brought back so many happy memories of working at the orchard. I remember at first being so afraid of cutting out stuff, afraid I was hurting the trees...then it got till I felt like an artist at work pruning and cutting out branches.

Other than sometimes being out in the bitter cold, I did like pruning. Actually I liked almost everything I did there...except making cider. And even that was just the noise...the job itself was not bad.

Anyway, we are glad to have it this job done...not sure what I am putting back, if anything. It is another job for another day.


  1. We pulled fence posts in exactly this way. Thanks for the memories.

  2. Interesting! It sure popped out of there.

  3. Interesting, Ruth.. I had never seen that done before. Those posts are really deep in the ground --but I guess they have to be...

    I know you are tired and achy after that big job---but aren't you glad you did it????


  4. I've never seen how this is done, interesting. Chain saw noises don't bother me except the people who start them up at 7 A.M!!!

  5. That post just popped right out of the ground, made it look easy. I'm sure it's not.
    I love the smell of burning wood, it must have been interesting work in the orchard.

  6. Having never pulled out fence posts before, this was neat to watch to see how easy it came out.

  7. A fine, novel way to dig up old posts! Very creative use of the tire and wheel. Pruning is a valuable skill to have for whenever it's needed.

  8. I pulled a big shrub up this way once, it was loads of fun!

    Why is making cider noisy?

  9. A chainsaw is one noise that I cannot take. They are such scary tools anyway and I cringe.
    When we lived in Virginia and had so much Hurricane damage from Isabel I heard my hubby's and neighbors saws for weeks. :)
    I know you're glad that big job is done.

  10. you tube sure does have everything!! i would love to make home made cider...i love it warm!!

  11. What a BIG job pulling out old fence posts!

    We have friends who make homemade cider. YUM!


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