
Monday, November 28, 2011


Just a photo or two to brighten your day.....can you look at that smiling face above without getting a smile on your face?
She is to the point that she will let me take a photo or two, then she wants to come see what I have taken. And the day I took these, she wanted to take some of her own. I did not let her, but it won't be long until I start letting her with some supervision.

She is makes life so much more interesting...she just called me a few minutes ago just chatting away. She wanted us to come over or her to come here.

Then her mom got on the phone talking to me...and she had to think. She knew there was something else she wanted to tell me. Something that Lorelei had done. Finally she thought of it:

They have a friend visiting them...he had been gone. Well, Sarah was doing laundry--she was sitting in the living room folding a basket when he came in. Well, there is this step down into that room, so he just sat down there talking to her and Jeremy.

Well, Sarah had a sports bra laying in the bottom of the basket...Lorelei ran and grabbed it and put it on, then turned around to their friend and called him by name, and said "don't touch my boobies!" Told him that a couple times...which of course it set Sarah off to laughing and she just totally stunned her dad. They have no idea where she got that...


  1. Well that certainly is a happy face!
    Funny story about the laundry basket 'treasure'. Kids do and say the darndest things!!

  2. Ha! Lorelei sure is learning fast, isn't she? She's still very cute. :)

  3. The first picture is an absolute beauty!! She could win ANY beauty contest! What a funny story!

  4. Such a pretty little girl and this would come under the heading of out of the mouths of babes. Amazing how closely they pay attention to things.

  5. Hi There, We are home after a nice Thanksgiving Vacation... Hope you had a great Thanksgiving also.

    That first picture may be the best one yet of the Toot.. She's just gorgeous.

    Funny story about the bra..


  6. of course I am smiling, at the smiling face and the adorable girl in the sweet rocker and of course The Story. LOL

  7. What a little sweetheart. Wonderful shots. :) Having a camera in my pocket all the time helps me get images on the run of our little ones, too. They'll be worth even so much more as time passes.

  8. Excellent shots of Lorelei…she's growing up so quickly!
    The story of the bra is so funny. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  9. Love that first shot! At least she is sending the right message to the guys already :-) Funny story! She must have heard it on TV...where else?

  10. I just love her grin in the first photo Rose...hahaha...funny story!

  11. That's a hilarious story! And what I wouldn't give for that grin!

  12. Kids do say the darndest things! :-) Lorlei is just precious! Thanks for sharing these sweet pictures and story. I remember my husband's Mom telling about his older sister at about age 2 meeting someone she was talking to at their doorway wearing a pair of her mother's panties! :-)


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