
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Don't it warm your heart

No matter how many times I come in and see one of the cats under the Christmas tree, it is an ahhhh moment for me. I took the one above and Roger took the one below.
They all lay under it a little bit here and there, but Bubbie does probably spend the most time.


  1. I love cats and Christmas trees! I have a cat we've had for 3 Christmases now. Every year he finds the same branch and lays on it for the entire season :) I have 2 other cats that have found their spots under the tree. They just love the Christmas tree :)

  2. Aww, too cute! Did you make your tree skirt?

  3. Bubbie has found a comfortable spot, a place to be to not be underfoot. He looks very content.

  4. yes it does warm my heart. i love seeing cats/dogs sleeping in all their strange places they choose. i wonder why they sleep under it? maybe warmth from the lights? or something from their ancestors that were wild and lived in/under trees? do they ever try to climb it

  5. What is it with cats and Christmas trees? When we used to put up a 10 foot real tree, we would no sooner get it in the stand and our cat would be trying to curl up under it. The year we had to put him to sleep, I waited until after Christmas, so he could spend his last days on the tree skirt in his favorite place. Even now that we have an artifical tree, they still like to curl up on the tree skirt. Maybe it is the lights. Cats seem to want to be near lights(warmth?)

  6. Kitties always know the prime place to be…one that is usually warm. I like your close up of Bubbie enjoying the new decoration you put up just for him! :-)

  7. As long as they're UNDER the tree and not IN it, like mine...she loves to climb in ours! Your kitty is very cute!

  8. Cute cute cute.... SO--they don't try to climb up in the tree ---or mess with the ornaments???? I know that some cats will do that --or TRY....

    Love your tree.

  9. Beautiful tree - contented kitty! Cute.

  10. your tree is so pretty and cats, aren't they just too funny!!

  11. Bubbie knows a good place for a nap when he sees one. These are both wonderful pictures.

  12. There is just something special about cats under Christmas trees!!

  13. awww, too sweet, adorable, just awww! =)

  14. That is a special moment. They look so calm and picturesque. And then, at my house, there's that really special moment when the tree shakes and you realize one of them is IN the stupid tree!!! :)

  15. Very sweet cats! We had a kitten a long time ago that would climb up inside the tree and try to play with the ornaments. But I guess yours aren't in that crazy-playful stage anymore. They look like a Christmas card laying there!


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