
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Feed them and they will come

I saw this single goldfinch day before yesterday and managed this capture....
also, the red-bellied woodpecker was here for a few seconds. He does not hang around long enough for me to take very many pics.
Shopping is nearer done than it just a bit more done yesterday. However, I am not doing anything on my quilt or anything else. I need to get refocused in that direction but having a hard time settling down to anything at all. I also need to sit down and make a grocery list...or start it...for what I will need for the Christmas dinner. It will be at Sarah's, but still we try to talk on the phone and make our list. We both do the cooking...

She and Lo both have colds right hoping they get over them soon. She put Lorelei to bed the other night, and had no more than got back to the living room when Lo started yelling, "Mommy, I need my Barbie! Mommy, I forgot Barbie...Mommy, I cannot sleep without Barbie!" Over and did not take Sarah ten seconds to find Barbie and take it to her, but she said she bet Lorelei yelled that 15 times.

Lorelei calls me once or twice and week and just talks and talks...and tries to show me stuff on the phone....I just cannot believe how fast she is growing up.


  1. You got gorgeous bird shots! I like the way the sun is shining on the Goldfinch's feet! Lorelei is a real cutie pie! At that age, bedtime tradition is everything! They have to put the blankets just the same way, and have the toys and stuffed animals all in their bed spots!

  2. Great birdy pictures!
    Aren't kids great - I remember when Laura was about 2 she had a teddy which she called James. James went everywhere with her. One day she left him at her grans - bedtime was a nightmare. We had to tell her that James was looking after her gran. But we had to go back the very next day to go and get him.
    It's funny to look back on!!
    Hope Lorelei and her mum get better soon.

  3. Your bird photos are great! That WP shot is super.

  4. these photo's really made me smile tonight and also reminded me that i need to fill my feeders. xo

  5. beautiful birds and beautiful story of your grand daughter, she is so sweet and smart

  6. These are fine shots at the feeder. I like the glow in the feeder too. I'm glad you have such a nice, on-going relationship with Lorelei.

  7. I love the feeder! And you have such pretty birds that come to it.

    I love it that Lorelei wants to show you stuff over the phone. Such a cutie!!

  8. They do grow up fast :)
    I love that bottom shot.

  9. It's only a short time before they figure the phone out and then all those cute moments are in the past. Eat them up now!

    I saw a striking red-headed woodpecker right outside the office door last week. I just stood there and stared. Very pretty. The clarity of your photos is outstanding, Rose.

  10. Great pictures! I see the red-bellied woodpecker likes to hang on the side of the feeder just like the Gila does here on this hummingbird feeder! :-)


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