
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Our wild child....

Edited to add: Sandra first suggested for me to try Firefox, which is normally what I do at the first sign of trouble. It is all I use on my normal laptop. I took the time to download and install it and the problems seem to be solved. I guess we will find out for sure if this update will post from it.
As you may guess by these pics, we went to Indy for a couple days to see everyone....our granddaughter was especially charming. Her headdress is her own doing....and she was real proud of it.
She loves to play pretend...sometimes she will play and play by herself...she will have the characters just chattering away to each other.
Other times she wants one of us to pretend with her. I have to admit, I do not have near the imagination that she does.
This is her little smile she gives every time we tell her to smile.

She ran to get her Barbie to show us some time after we got is a Princess Barbie. She told me the crown was broken. Jeremy told her to tell me who broke it....she looked at me and told me, "Papaw broke it." As serious as she could be...and he said no I didn't and she argued and argued with him that he broke it and it was the first time he had seen it.

Then, another time she was climbing in my lap, and I did not even touch her...she looked at me and told me "You hurt me." There were several other incidents of her saying things like, I think her imagination is working over time.

Oh, and she wants everything pink for Christmas...she wants a pink princess dress and pink shoes, and pink doll house, and I forget what all she wants, but it is a long list and everything has pink for the color. She was first talking to me on the phone the night before we went...Sarah told her to tell me everything she she started with pink car, pink princess, etc...and each time she said pink she changed her voice to this high sort of screaky voice.

I am here to tell you, I have not laughed so much in so short of a time as the past couple of days. She is like her mom was in that the more you laugh at her, the more she will try to make you laugh.
Computer question now to any of you that might have a clue.

I have a little netbook that I keep downstairs with my sewing, and it also goes with me to Sarah's now. Does anyone have any idea why I cannot post to my blogs on it. And more than half the time I cannot post a comment to blogs from Blogger...I can post okay to wordpress or typepad blogs...just most of the time not to Blogger blogs. I think I can occasionally but it is so rare that I even wonder if I ever have...maybe I just thought it posted and click out of the window before realizing it didn't post.

And when I try to do a post on it, I can usually save it...I just cannot publish from it....this is just so weird. I thought the first time it happened that it was just instance of blogger being messed up, but now I think there is something about my computer to change, but I cannot think what. Especially with being able to access it, but just not actually post.


  1. Your granddaughter is very cute, is that her pyjama bottoms on her head. My girls used to to do that as well, used to make me laugh.
    I'm sorry I can't answer your computer problem. It is a netbook that I use but don't seem to have those problems, sorry!!!

  2. Lorelei is getting so big! You captured cute pictures of her. My niece, when she was little, had her stuffed animals and dolls chattering too.

  3. what better place to wear the pants than on her head. adorable. i wish i new why you can't post. i had trouble with my lap top when i first got it, but it fixed itself when i got Firefox. Internet Explorer i could not post but i could using Firefox.

  4. What a gorgeous young lady... Lorelei is really growing... Sounds like she always keeps you laughing... That last picture is AWESOME.

    Don't know what your problem is.. I've heard of people having trouble with Internet Explorer---so you may try Firefox or Safari... Wish I could help.


  5. Check whether you have the old or new editor on Blogger, some browsers will not publish the old editor, like I.E., I had to change to Firefox for it to work, but I have since gotten the new editor and like it much better. So it may be your browser. My very favorite photo of Loreli is definitely the last one, so adorable and impish!!! I can't think of a girl her age who does not adore pink!

  6. so cute! She just does the sweetest and funniest things. Glad you worked out the computer problem. I am going to have trouble with the new gmail on my older computer...I tried it out and it was awful. I am having minor problems in blooger but not too bad so far. I may try Firefox or something new. Apparently I can't update to the newer versions of Internet Explorer and that is part of my problems. I still have XP on that computer and am afraid to try to update to 7 right now.

  7. I just can't believe how big she is getting. I love it that she wants all pink items for Christmas...I got a total charge out of that.
    Sorry I can't help you with your computer problem, I'm literate when it comes to computers.

  8. She sure is a cutie. As for your computer troubles, I really don't know - I have both Firefox and Safari on my iMac. I rarely have trouble. I'm not much help I fear.

  9. Granddaughter is sure a cutie! What a precious smile she has.
    As for your computer woes, I think the internet is part voo-doo and part magic. A few days ago, we had to fill in "captcha" letters each time we used Google search. We did a virus scan and it came up clean. Then the other day, like magic, the 'captcha' business just stopped. Meanwhile, I can no longer post on a message board I've posted on for the past 3 years. Go figure! It must be voo-doo.
    You need to take your computer to a 15 year old. It's been my experience that teens seem to know everything about computers!!

  10. I'm glad you tried Firefox and now you can post from your laptop!

    Lorelei is very funny in her unique hat. :))

  11. That hat is really too much! I wish I looked that good in a hat. ;)

  12. What a wonderful visit! Lorelei looks so cute, and I know she is keeping everyone entertained. What a wonderful time of the year for children...everything is magic!

    Thanks for your comments on my blog!


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