
Friday, April 27, 2012

Harry Evans Bridge....

The gate that was featured in yesterdays post is right past this covered bridge on the right side. A few years ago, to the left of the bridge, culerts were laid and concrete poured to make another way over the creek....I have always assumed for farm machinery to be able to get back and forth quicker.
It was on the cool side that required me to put on a long sleeved shirt when I went outside to hang some laundry.

I just stayed home today...doing some laundry and started trying to clean up my sewing area. I have really dreaded starting on that. But a dent was made in the mess. If I am working on a project, and there is a mess from it, as long as I got down there almost every day it does not bother me. But let me be away from it for a while, and I cannot stand to sew until I have it somewhat under control.

I still have to get the backing for Roger's quilt made...when he got those two weeks, I just lost all interest in doing anything and have found it hard to get back on track. But the urge to sew is hitting me, so I should make it, but I am also wanting to start something new.

We are going to meet Lorelei and her mommy tomorrow evening, and bring her home to spend the night. Then, depending on how she feels, may meet Sarah Sunday till neither of us has to make the real long drive...but if Lorelei wants to spend another night, we will try it again.


  1. A really cool bridge.

    I need to reorganize the sewing/yarn/craft room here, too. I just need to add another room onto the house to have enough space. *sigh*

  2. I would enjoy driving under this one. So we both get to spend the weekend with ur grandkids! I hope you have a blast!

  3. Love the bridge! Have fun with Lorelei! It's been cool here, too. Wish it would warm up just a little.

  4. It would really be neat to cross that bridge. I just finished a quilt and I need to just bind it now. I pulled a muscle in my back so I'm just sitting and blogging ;)

  5. Enjoy Lorelei, and I love that covered bridge!

  6. Great old covered bridge, Rose. I love covered bridges...

    Hope Miss Lorelei enjoys being with you all... The older she gets, the easier it will be for her to be away from her Mama... I'm sure you'll enjoy her!!!!

  7. A fine shot of this covered bridge. They always appeal so much! You are going to have a great time with Lorelei.

  8. Beautiful photo of the covered bridge!

  9. I like that bridge - wonder why they put it there? sandie

  10. I can understand how a mess might not bother you until you go away for a while and then come back to it!

    It's great that Lorelei doesn't mind the drive between her two homes. :)

  11. I know how much you enjoy Lorelei...she is just such a doll! Being a grandparent is so wonderful! Love the bridge!


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