
Monday, April 30, 2012

She came, she conquered...

Lorelei got to play with bubbles today...well, she and I played with them. I think I have as much fun as her.
She was not in the mood to have her picture taken...

though she didn't mind if I shot while she was actually blowing them. But they all look the same almost, so only showing the one...

She had so much fun...she would blow and then just crack up with laughter.
Sarah was hosting a bridal shower in a town near here Saturday, so when it was over we met her there and picked up Lorelei. I do not even know if I could think of all she done, but the beginning of our days together got off to a grand start.

We had not even got pulled away from the parking lot till she was telling her papaw to 'Stay between the lines! You are supposed to stay between the lines!" Well there were no lines...

I guess I didn't tell last week she was with her mom and daddy going somewhere and her dad was driving and she was telling him "Don't cross the white line, Daddy! You are supposed to stay between the lines!"

So, she started with that and had me in tears from laughing so hard...I called her mom to tell her, and Roger said tell her we are bringing her back. Well, I hung up and Lorelei said, "I don't want to go home....I want to go to your house!" I had to explain to her that papaw was just teasing her mom.

So, continuing on, we get through town and get back out to where the speed limit is 55, and she starts telling papaw he is speeding!

We have no idea where she learned about staying between the lines...or the speeding, either for that matter.

She spent two nights with us, and I just met her mom half way between...and almost the whole way there, she was wanting me to take her to school. She wants to go to a red school, too. I told her she would have to talk to her mommy--that she needed to be a little older. She told me she was older...she is 3 now...and she told me she already had talked to her mom and her mom said yes, she could go to school!


  1. I love bubbles as mush as the kids do too! She is so cute. sandie

  2. Such a little cutie. :) I remember when our grandson sitting in the back seat told grandpa, "You slid through that stop sign just like my mommy." Hmmm. ;) Oops!

  3. Considering this is a little girl who does not want her picture taken, she is bright and beautiful!! You should see MY granddaughter when she doesn't want her picture taken! Oh my, the dark and bad faces! They start getting fascinated with lines at this age, ours are always trying to walk between them and not step on them.

  4. Looks like you had a fabulous time with Lorelei... Wonder who had the most fun, Lorelei or Mamaw??????? ha ha

    Great pictures. She is growing up!!!

  5. I love it that she wants to go to school. I bet she will love being with all the kids. I cannot believe she is already three. Seems like she was just born a year or so ago. Time sure does fly.

  6. Don't you just love it? After two nights with us my grandson told his mom Monday he wanted to live with Nana because I don't make him get up early.

  7. She is always so cute :-) Pretty young to be a "back seat driver" already! LOL

  8. so this means she will make some man crazy as a back seat driver OR she might be like me and will only ride ina car if i am the driver. she is a doll, what a fun visit for all of you. that is one big bubble. the residents in the nursing home love bubbles and laugh just like L does

  9. She is absolutely darling. What a cute little face! Funny when they are 3 years old, they just know the funniest things.

  10. That little girl is quite something!! Very cute.

  11. These are great pictures of Lorelei whether she was in the mood for picture taking or not. She is getting so big. Her driving directions are funny. She will do well in school when she gets there with that attitude. A very enjoyable post.

  12. Darling photos!!! Oh, check out my quilting blog...I had a quilt top finish (FINALLY! :-) )

  13. Oh, too funny! She sounds very much like Sydney. Who knows where they come up with these things. Three is definitely a time of learning what the rules are, and you have to do things just so.


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