
Thursday, August 30, 2012

A feeling in the air....

This elderberry shot was taken a couple weeks ago at least....the ones I now notice are dark in color--practically black. (Wouldn't Practically Black be a great name for color?)

Anyway, seeing them is a sure sign that fall is on the way. And where we park to pick up Lorelei, there is an old sign. It had old wild grape vines growing up it and there were their possum grapes as we used to call them.

Lorelei and I sat outside and looked at the blue moon and the stars...she wants to blast off into outer space to see the Milky Way. I had not even realized it was a blue moon till someone told me.....

The sound of the of fall insects was all around...and there is just a feel to the air. Just the slightest hint that things are about to change. I am ready for fall, even though I know winter will not be far behind. Maybe we will have more snow than last. At least I hope we do.


  1. snow would help the drought for sure. i love this pic, it would make a nice Christmas card

  2. Yep, autumn is in the air here too. I think it may be the cool nights we are experiencing here even though the days are still quite warm.

  3. Fall is in the air here as well. the morning temps have been a bit brisk. Love your Elderberry shot!

  4. I'm feeling that little bit of change too! YAY!

  5. I know what you mean - there is definitely a chill in the air. The weather is turning very autumnal.
    I made a pot of soup last weekend.

  6. Ilove Autumn but winter, not so much. It must be so fun to sit with Lorelai and teach her all about sights/sounds in nature.

  7. There's just nothing better this time of year than to 'feel' autumn in the air!!!!! LOVE it....

    AND---when it comes to Fall, we can also 'smell' it in the air....

    Lorelei may be an astronaut someday... Wouldn't that be something???

    Have a great weekend.

  8. Very pretty! The Elderberries down here have been ripe for some time. I do like "Practically Black". It is actually hard to find good blacks in fabric, as I'm sure you know. And they fade so badly sometimes. I love black in quilts and always worry about how it will last.


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