
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Always fascinating...

This house is in a nearby town...right beside/with a cemetery. I have loved it as long as I can remember seeing it. I would love to see the inside. Don't you love that arched doorway...maybe it isn't a house at all, but a place to hold funeral services. In all the time of seeing it, I have never seen anyone there. Everything is always just so...
We are off to get Lorelei after while....she has been wanting to come for days. I was talking to her mom day before yesterday and she got on the phone and wanted to come to my I told her it was up to her mom...that she could come in a day or two. I told her she had to go to bed and go to sleep, and maybe she could come the next day or she might have to wait another day.

Well, yesterday morn first thing, she was at her mom's bedside asking if she could come to Mamaw's. And by then Sarah had decided it was better to way till today. I can just imagine her today. She is probably not letter her mom get minute's rest...


  1. I am with you, i love it and would like to know what it is and go inside, if i ever get up that way we will go find out, they can't shoot two of us. enjoy your L visit

  2. Persistence pays off!! Lorelei has learned that early in life and is probably a master of getting her way...she certainly would with me! ;-)

  3. I love that house too.
    Who could refuse Lorelei anything she is just too cute. :))

  4. That "home" or whatever it is, is just beautiful. I hope you get to look inside of it someday. Lorelei is just too nice she loves to come to your house.

  5. A great house. Love the roof line.
    A perfect 'hobbit' looking house. :)

  6. The house-like building is very attractive.

    Enjoy you time with Lorelei!

  7. I like the door and the three windows and the roof line. Very attractive! You should quilt that one :-)

  8. I love this house and try to take a photo of it every time we happen to be in the area and drive by. Without fail, there are *always* vehicles parked in front of it. :( It's nice to see it in its full beauty.


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