
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Better days....

This barn has seen better days, but you can definitely tell it has been a real beauty. And still appeals to me. It has good bones. It is part of a junk yard we ran into a week or two ago. There was no way to get just a photo of the barn.

I cannot seem to get back to blogging....we went to Sarah's weekend before last, then came home to router problems. I ended up calling in a computer guy to come after about the 2nd or 3rd day. He ended up fixing it in a round about way. Roger's computer was the only one affected, but I just could not do anything other than fool with it.

Then, of all things, I am starting another log cabin quilt...just a small lap quilt this time. From reds and tans/off-white materials. I have got strips cut to size...and have made my first block to make sure they fit together right. And have started chain piecing the rest. I am thinking 16 blocks right now, but that could change when I get them together.

I have finally decided on how to quilt Roger's quilt, but just have not started it yet...I had done settled on making this current log cabin quilt before I decided how to quilt it so just going to continue with it.

I think we are going to get Lorelei either later today or there will be another interruption. But such a fun interruption, and there will probably be Lorelei tales to tell later.

I feel like I am forgetting something, but that is basically what has been going on around here.


  1. It's a great looking barn. The other items are interesting and they don't distract too much from the barn's great looks.

  2. I'll bet this barn was a beauty in its day! It still has a lot of charm...are those round windows on the side?

  3. The barn is a beauty even in its declining years. What stories it could tell. Computer problems can put a real damper on our blogging. I have never been a quilter but I love quilts and am right now on the lookout for one for a second spare bedroom. It was a messy room which was a catch all for anything we needed a place for but didn't want to throw away. Then we found out we were having extra house guests all at once and I am trying to get it ready for them. It's fun redecorating it though.

  4. It does seem to have good bones and I like those little round windows. I think with a new roof she'd be a beauty.
    Looks like some new building going up on the side so hope that doesn't mean the owners are giving up on this one.

    Enjoy your time with Lorelei!

  5. Nice old barn. Hope you post some pics of the log cabin you are making. I think it is my favorite quilt pattern.

  6. that is my favorite shape for a barn. i don't know how you find time to even think about blogging. busy bee is your middle name. L is more important than B so don't fret it

  7. Great looking barn! Love it. Can't wait to hear about more of Lorelei's escapades!!

  8. Certainly a great find. Sad to see so many old barns going into such disrepair.

  9. Hi Rose, I'm really far behind on my blogging (comments) also.. SO much going on here... Just not enough time to do it all..

    Great old barn... Lots of character.

    Enjoy that precious granddaughter.

  10. Some people have so many "treasures" around their barns that it's tricky to get a good photo. :)

  11. Great barn once upon a time! I got my quilt barn photos posted finally. I'm sewing my log cabin blocks together right now. Have three rows done! Hope to have photos soon. Mine is a lap quilt, too.


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