We took Lorelei home day before yesterday, and the farms are really going to lose a lot this year I am afraid. We saw cornfields with just big brown spots in them...and other places the corn was tasseling but no silks forming at all. It was so curled up, it looked almost brittle. I have heard people talk about crop insurance. One guy the news interviewed said usually the crop insurance only pays just a bit over enough to cover the planting costs. I don't know if that is true in all cases or not....and that is better than nothing. But I still feel bad for them....
Sarah and Lorelei came Saturday evening and Sarah spent two nights...Lorelei was not ready to go home so she stayed another night. I do not know why, but sometimes it is so easy to get the camera out when she is here and other times just seem so busy that I can't. Well, this was one of the times I couldn't so I don't have any new photos to show. But I have tales to tell!
When her mom left, we had to walk her out to the car of course...we just always do. So Lorelei hugs her, and we give her a hug and she leaves...we had to stand there and watch till she was out of sight. I set Lorelei down and we start to walk inside and she clouds up with big old tears in her eyes, and said "Mamaw, I forgot to tell mommy I love her." It would have broke your heart cause she was so sincere.
I told her we could call her if she wanted....but I told her you mommy know you love her....and that seemed to ease her mind.
We went to Walmart a bit after Sarah left to look for Lorelei a butterfly net. We also looked at clothes...she found a dress she liked but it was not in her size. She just was not interested in anything else. Tuesday we head home...she goes to the potty before leaving. But we get about 30 minutes from home, and we take back roads part of the way. So we are out in the middle of no where and she needed to go to the potty....I asked her if she could wait...she says she can.
So we head to the highway, and backtrack to a Walmart. I take her in, and we make it in time...we come back out and she tells me "Mamaw, lets go look at clothes." This is a three year old wanting to look at clothes! So we head back to them...and there are just no clothes to speak of her size, after wandering around a few minutes, I spied a rack with hardly anything on it but on the bottom is her dress...I grab it, it is the right size, and her eyes just gleam. She told me, "Mommy is going to love me in this dress!"