
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Comparing color

This shot was taken October 22, 2009....
And this one was taken today....

Isn't digital photography wonderful!  For knowing the date the pics are taken? 

It has been overcast and the sidewalks and roads have been damp all day long, but I have not seen it actually raining.  It was warm enough to sit on the porch and read a while.  It is usually too cool to eat breakfast outside now....I miss that and miss sitting out there to read.

Tomorrow they are saying we may get up to two inches of rain.  At least I have a good excuse to go down and fool with my sewing.  I did a bit of cleaning down there this evening, but only a drop in the bucket. 

Of all things I found some crumb blocks that I had started the other day--started but not finished-- and I have been fooling with them again.  I really don't want to get into making another quilt of them so not sure what I will do with these few blocks.  I am making the bigger than my usual 6½ inches...though I can see myself cutting them apart to go back together a different way.


  1. I don't know which picture I like better! Maybe the red one...

  2. Haha! You just do your sewing whether it rains or not, Rose. I give you permission.

    Lovely photos!

  3. I wish our colors were still here. We woke up to rain and fog this morning.

  4. Your two comparison photos are gorgeous with the fall colors! Have a great day.

  5. i see there is a lot of rain moving from TX to OH with you to.. glad you have something to 'play' with. that big tree is AMAZING... i love the dates on digital. when i want to know the last time i went somewhere, i go find a photo and see what the date says, like the last time i went to GA

  6. Both pictures are gorgeous trees. The more recent one is spectacular with bright reds. Amazing how some falls are better than others for pretty leaves.

  7. Beautiful Fall photos. Don't you just love seeing all of the colors of the trees? Gorgeous.

    We have rain/severe storms/wind up our way today… Sad for all of the little trick-or-treaters out tonight….

    Happy Halloween! Stay safe.

  8. I really like that my pics are dated. Now I know where I am and what day I was where. Does that make sense?? LOL
    Crumb blocks--don't really know what they are and looked them up and still am in a fog about them. Not quilt savvy I guess. MB

  9. This year the leaf colour is so vibrant! I look forward to hearing what your next quilt project will be.

  10. Rose,
    The different tree colors in the first picture are so pretty.

    Time for rainy day projects. Hope you have a fun day sewing.

    We had fog yesterday and the morning before. The sun came out today, but the wind came with it. We are in a high wind watch for tomorrow.

  11. You obviously have had some beautiful color both years. We've had some nice warm weather this week as well.


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