
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fridays's Random 5...

If you click to enlarge, I think you will be able to see the fine mist of rain in the above pic.  This was taken has not stopped all day long, but for the most part was more of a misting rain...sometimes harder than other.

That being said, it is time for Random 5 Friday...I have jotted down the first three as they occurred to me during the week.  I would have forgotten them if I had tried to remember them.  So here they are...

 1.  This may have been mentioned by someone else, since I have not been joining Randon 5 very long, I have missed it if they have.  But has anyone else noticed that it is mostly or all women that join Random 5?  I don't think I have seen one single male, or if I did, they joined without listing 5 things.  What do you think this says about men and women in general?

2.  I believe that the actual physical heart does almost break sometimes during a time of loss...this from experience.

3.  Blogger really messes with me.  I am positive I visit blogs...yet will go back the next day and there will be two or three posts that did not show up the previous days.  Or sometimes it will happen just in one morn...I will visit a blog...nothing new.  Then will click on it again, and there is a post that was made the previous day.  (I still view blogs by visiting the actual blog--not through a reader of any kind.)

4. There is nothing quite like music to take me back to my youth.  Been listening off and on all night to music...some of it old stuff from  our youth...Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Poco, Eagles, etc.  Dan Fogelberg's Run For the Roses...can anyone listen to it without crying?  If you have never heard should go listen to it. I find the songs that touch me most brings a tear to my eyes. 

5.  Did not do any sewing at all today...did mess some with fabric.  It ended up we had to run an errand or two, and of course, we took a round about way home on one of those.

Linking to Random 5 


  1. We LOVED Dan and I had all his records!! Wisteria and many others were my favorites. Also The River. I have had Blogger just remove a person's blog from my sidebar for a few days, then it will pop up again. In the meantime, I am missing several of their posts. Beautiful barn!!

  2. Blogging seems to be practiced more by women than men in general... and less involve themselves in memes. My husband doesn't even go on the computer -- has no patience for it! :)

  3. I find many more women bloggers than men in general and perhaps Random 5 is just a reflection of that.

  4. Lovely barn. I agree with you about heartbreak.

  5. I love music too. Especially going back to the youthful era of my life. Gets my heart pumping and makes me wanna dance like in the good ol' days.

    I worked all day yesterday on trying to get blogger to have the embedded comments work on Internet Explorer and no avail. It worked in F F, but not I E. Go figure, so it's back to pop up comments for me. As for Blog list on Blogger, I like that and so far, knock wood, don't have any problems with new posts of ones I follow.

    Nice mist-like rain...Beautiful.

  6. I think it all depends on the topic- my dh is on a diabetes forum and the men (and women) all just yak yak yak... LOL

  7. Oh I do believe your #2 is true too.
    Run for the Roses is a very good sad song. Take care. B

  8. join bloglovin to read and that will not happen... i am listening to the song while typing. the commercial on the video i sent to my friend who has thinning hair..
    have never been to random five, but i think most men or like me and don't do meme's. and now that i think about it i only have 3 men that sometimes comment on my blog...martians are different than us venus

  9. Rose,

    Random 5 Friday is one of my favorite things. I look forward to it every week. Welcome Back!

    There are songs that bring back memories for me too. Sometimes good, sometimes sad and sometimes better left not remembered.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. i totally agree with u on #3.. happens all the time 4 me. enjoy ur weekend. ;-)

  11. Gosh, so many people have been complaining about blogger these days. I'm not with blogger but have my own issues with WP. Guess nothing is as smooth as all that. :( I'm trying to figure out Bloglovin now that I've registered my blog with them. I guess the thing to do is somehow put that link into the sideline. Oh the fun of trying to figure things out. Anyway, I hope you have a fantastic weekend Rose. :)

  12. I think more women blog than men, and #2 is so true!

  13. Yes I believe Blogger just like to mess with us now and again.
    Music I love and music from my teen years I like some and then wonder what the heck I was listening too. LOL
    I just think women are more social than men. Maybe??
    Bob looks are some blogs but not many. He is more into repairing stuff and the news.

  14. It is interesting that more women seem to blog than men .... hhhmmmm.
    I just love Random 5 .... and the following seems to be growing.
    Music ... ahhhh! It can do wonders!

  15. Funny I had only heard Run for the Roses by Michael Martin Murphy. Love it. MB

  16. You know, you are right. But, I find that most blogs are done by women. I think that women are more creative, more sharing than men so maybe that is the reason.

  17. I love music and it can take me back to the good old days when I was younger or make me cry. Sometimes remembering the younger years can make me cry, too. :)

    I don't know many men bloggers. I know they are out there. My hubby doesn't know anything about blogs, except what I show him. He'd rather click the remote than computer buttons!

  18. Beautiful picture! I love the fine mist of rain... and now I listen first one Dan Vogelbergs song (I now more songs from eastern Europa than from the USA) - istr really a song to tears -

  19. What a lovely barn photo! Beautiful colors. The mist adds a texture to it. I don't know the song by Dan F. but I'm going to look it up. Music always speaks to my soul!

  20. Well---blogging --and chatting in general--is more a woman's thing, don't you think? My hubby enjoys blogging --but he seldom writes MUCH. He just enjoys sharing his photography.

    Music is the best thing I know to bring back wonderful memories throughout our lives…. I like Dan Fogelberg also!!!

    We had rain and TONS of WIND yesterday.. There are lots of sticks and leaves in the yard today!

  21. Beautiful barn! There are more women than male bloggers anyhow. I have a few males that comment regularly on my blog, but it's mostly women.

  22. Run for the Roses is a favorite of mine. Brings back many memories, and usually makes me cry. I'm listening to it now, so I may soon be tearing up! Thank you for sharing.

    Lovely red barn!

  23. It's a fine barn shot. Men don't share very easily.
    They will avoid if possible. Men usually find it easier to talk with women than with men once the subjects gets beyond hunting, fishing, and sports. Just my opinion! :-)

  24. We had rain all day too on Thursday. Poor little trick or treaters. My husband has a blog but he uses it for work. I don't think most guys are that chatty :)

  25. What a pretty barn Rose, the color looks similar to ours. I've done this meme before, but now I just don't have time to visit all the blogs :(
    I like hearing music that takes me back to my youth.

  26. That barn is way cool. I see the rain glistening on the tin roof. When we reroof the house, I want tin! Love the sound of rain on a tin roof.

  27. The easiest way I have found to keep up with my friends' blogs is to go into the formatting option and create a reading list. If you choose to have the little thumbnail pictures of your friends' posts show, it not only looks nice, but it is an easy way to see if there are any new posts.

  28. Music does the same thing to me. Maybe it's the fountain of youth? And I agree on the physical heart break. My mom is going through it right now after the death of my dad.

  29. A very fine barn, Rose. I agree about the heart breaking. Been there. But praise the Lord He knows how to heal broken hearts. Hugs, Nancy

  30. That is a beautiful red barn!

    Blogger messed with me too! Sometimes, I went into my dashboard but nothing showed up. I had to clean out cache and history every few days to get it to work!

  31. Beautiful photo, I could see the misty rain. :)

    About your no. 1, I think it's because women are more into these things than guys... we like to document things and talk about them, and then talk some more, hehe. ;)

  32. Run for the Roses was a song I always liked. in fact I liked Dan Fogelberg in general.

    Pretty barn shot. My technical issues are a bit better today-although I have still had to hit the publish button a few times to comment on one blog today. At least it only happened once!

  33. Lovely photo of the barn.
    Yeah, Blogger can be a pain at times. I had it put my post which I thought were published back into draft form and I have to go back in and post them again.
    I love music too. Some of your favorites are also favorites of mine. I love the Run for the Roses song, Also Leader of the Band.

  34. I think men keep most things to themselves. I find from reading blogs women share a lot about themselves and are more comfortable doing so.
    I've never had that blogger problem.
    Music is a part of my life every day. I like the music from my youth the best. Something about actually hearing the words I think. Lately it's been Linda Ronstadt almost constantly. You brought back memories when I read Poco. I have an 8-track tape here somewhere. :)

  35. Interesting question about men and the Random 5. I've run across plenty of male blogs, but it seems like our interests are different...I don't know, but I really enjoy what the women write about. Who knows?

    I loved your music list. I haven't seen anyone mention Poco in years, and they were one of my favorite bands!

  36. My Husband has a blog but he uses it to let our families know what we are up to. He thinks playing in meme's is silly. On the other hand I LOVE playing in all sorts of meme's. I enjoyed reading your blog this morning..


  37. I don't do random 5 but can see why it would appeal more to woman...we think differently about things and do more "musing" about life and things, I think. I guess you can't generalize about either sex, but still think it is more likely to be women doing this.

  38. I agree with number 3 blog posts seems to pop up on people's blogs without me knowing?

  39. Until last weekend I would have said Blogger has never played games with me. Hmmm. Now I know what so many bloggers are complaining about.
    I love reading the Random 5 posts but, truth be told, I am actually pretty shy about talking about myself. Yep, I know I need to loosen up! ;)


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