
Friday, January 10, 2014

It's Friday....time for Random 5

Before we get down to business, I was looking back through my blog looking for something else and came across this video.  Does anyone else remember the show Taxi?  This cracks me up any time I watch it.  I have shown it some of my daughters' friends and they have thought it funny, too, so I think that it is sort of timeless.

Now that I am back to blogging, it is that time of week again...time to share 5 random things.  This is becoming one of my favorite memes...I love reading everyone else's Random 5....and love that it gives me permission to jump around in my thoughts if I want.  Anyway, here they are....the first one I wrote down a month or so ago...

1.  Some of the best conversations in life are held around the kitchen table.  The others are sitting on the front porch. 

2. Other than the scheduled days off, Sundays and holidays...this is the first time we have ever went without receiving our mail.  We have not had mail since Saturday.  And I am not complaining...I don't know if others in town received mail or not, but it was simply too cold for them to be out on Monday and Tuesday...Wednesday and Thursday were not terrible temp wise, but I have no idea how they would have gotten around on these slick, messy roads.

3.  I have worked three puzzles since of them I was tempted to send to a friend and tell him he could work or burn it, whichever he liked.  It was that hard.

4.  I love my kindle...I love being able to go to Amazon and read a few pages from most books.  I also love being able to log in to Indiana Digital through my library, and borrow books all from the comfort of my home.  I can also check out audio books.

5.  It is supposed to get up into the 40's tomorrow...that is in Fahrenheit.  And it is supposed to rain.  AND, it is supposed to get up into the 40's for the next few days. Keep your fingers crossed that they are right.  

Now if you are inclined to join, or if you just want to read some random thoughts, please visit A Rural Journal.


  1. I don't think I can remember a time when the post didn't come..even during our ice storm back in 2000- ya'll must have been slicked over good! Love my Kindle too- fantastic invention!

  2. I loved Taxi and Jim was always a riot. Too funny!

    I like learning about you---very interesting. MB

  3. I like my Kindle too...tho a very old model. The best part for me is being able to enlarge text in those thick books like Les Miserables and be able to actually SEE the text. LOL

    It's been cold and rainy down my way too, but nothing below freezing. So far. I just don't like the continual drizzle. It sure makes for a long, dreary day.

    Hope you get some warmth coming your way. Seems like the whole country needs a good thawing out.

  4. The Taxi video clip was a hoot! I will never look at a yellow light the same way again. :)

    I hope the weather improves for you!

  5. I have an older kindle but I do enjoy it. We are warming up and the rain has started here. Take care and enjoy the weekend.

  6. I do remember Taxi. I don't have a kindle ... still reading real books and by the looks of the stacks that I have, I won't be needing a Kindle anytime soon! Hope it warms up for you. No mail?!!! I don't know what I'd do without my mail! ;)

  7. Whatever happened to the 'neither rain nor snow or dead of night' or however that postal promise went? But, I guess Mother Nature took the upper hand this time!

  8. when i was a kid - we had only one tv. so i watch "Taxi" with my parents often. such a fun show. they are so many great actors in them. too funny!! ( :

    i agree. .. many amazing chats my friends & family have had together at the "dinner table" ... i think everyone should enjoy a meal together. you can be so close. learn a hole bunch too.

  9. Rose,

    Welcome back to blogging. Hope you had a great break.

    Yes, what would we do without kitchen table talk?

    We get mail Monday, Wednesday and Friday ... only. Has been that way as long as the Husband can remember.

    You will love your Kindle! They are well worth the money.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. i love my kindle, i use it more than any other thing in our house, and that includes cleaning supplies.. LOL... love the library thing to.. i got the kindle 16 months ago and have not been in our library since..

  11. my kindle is my most favorite thing i own, my random thought is today for the first time in 2 weeks hubby could go fly his planes at the park.. woooo hhoooo. we are at 70 at wake up and headed for 80 today and glad you are going above freezing so your mail can get delivered

  12. I agree that the best place for conversation is around a kitchen table! I now have a Nook that I haven't had time to figure out yet, hoping that soon I'll be able to do some reading. And we are supposed to get up to 40 today and even 50 by Sunday. Wow, I think I'm gonna go out and sunbathe! :)
    Hope you get your mail soon. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Taxi is such a classic...right up there with Cheers and MASH! They just don't make shows like that anymore, do they? I'd have to add a location to your #1....the back patio...with wine. :-) We're suppose to hit in the 40s today and maybe the 50s by Sunday!! Heat wave!!
    Visiting from R5F

  14. I love Random 5 Friday too, it's so much fun to read the random thoughts of other bloggers. Rain on top of the frozen snow, is that a good thing? Hope you are staying safe and warm.

  15. Thanks for reminding me of that show. It's been a long time since I've seen it.

  16. I don't recall ever watching Taxi much. I know it was pretty funny, though. We've been getting our mail on a regular basis. We're still trying to recuperate from being sick, so my sister-in-law has been delivering our mail to us.

  17. I loved Taxi, this was a 'blast from the past' and thanks for sharing it, I'd forgotten all about the series. I'm in a quandary over Kindle so I appreciated reading your views-I'd like to be able to share..

  18. I too love the randomness of Random 5 Friday, it fits my personality well. We always loved Taxi.

  19. Hope you do get some warmer weather. We are MUCH warmer here --and it rained a bit during the night which helped melt the rest of our snow/ice.

    I put something on FB today about people sitting around a table texting and having their noses in their phones… Drives me crazy. People don't talk to each other anymore… Very sad.. I loved those times around the table when we did TALK to one another.


  20. I didn't watch Taxi that often but oh my maybe I should have, that was hilarious!

    Wow no mail all week that is something. I bet the Mail Carriers will be thankful to have the snow gone.

    I still think I prefer books the old-fashioned way. Coleen got a Kindle for Christmas but she mainly uses hers to play games on.

    Have a great week. Ida

  21. First let me say ... IMO ... that was the BEST episode of Taxi ever!!! EVER!!!! LOL
    I love doing puzzles ... I havent' done one in ages ... gotta find a spot where I can leave it up until completed.
    It's been very cold here, too. But we're still getting mail.
    Tomorrow it will be around 56* ... woot-woot! :-D
    Happy New Year!
    diane @ aug's blog

  22. I really LOVED watching the video. That was such a great show. I LOVE to work puzzles. We only finished one during the Holidays. But it was only 300 piece. Hoping you have a warmer week..


  23. ...I guess the old Post Office saying doesn't apply anymore. Progress I guess?

    And can you keep a secret? I bought a Kindle with my Christmas money. Shoosh!

  24. Thank goodness for the random 5. It allowed me to find your blog.... hope you have a great weekend.

  25. I love Taxi and a majority of old fashion old shows/series! I don't like what are on TV nowadays.

    I like your #1 and I think it's true :-)

    I didn't know we can borrow book from the library through Kindle..I must check this out and thanks for the info..

  26. we have always gotten our mail...although now that I think about it I'm not sure if it came during the ice storm we had about 5 years ago.

  27. My mom loved Taxi. I never got into it too much, but I laugh when I watch it. I might do that 5 random things: it would be interesting to see what my brain comes up with.

  28. Hi, there!
    Thanks for visiting today. Love your random five. We're expecting highs in the 70's tomorrow, but rain and possibly thunderstorms.

  29. Love that Taxi clip. Definitely a classic.

    My daughter and I are puzzle lovers also.

  30. I like my Kindle too, but hope mine lasts longer than my blessings. We will soon be on our 5th one for her because something has gone wrong with every one. The most hers has lasted has been 1 /12 years. I got myself the latest edition one and hope it will fare better.


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