
Friday, January 10, 2014

Kind of conflicting...

I think it is kind of strange...I really, really love B&W photography, so why don't I love the drab, dreary days of winter?  Instead, long before winter is over, I am longing for bright sun and vibrant colors.

I still enjoy the quite hush it puts on our world when it hits like it did last weekend.  I love how clean and fresh everything looks.

Yet when I ran across this picture, it just sang to me of shirtsleeve weather and fishing and eating breakfast outside on the porch and sitting in the swing to read....

It sang to me of garden fresh tomatoes and watching the flowers bloom....notes of Lorelei coming to visit slipped in she likes to walk out to see the flowers in the summer and picks up pretty leaves in the fall.

It's a song I am ready to experience....


  1. Lovely I can imagine it so clearly, have a great weekend...

  2. Beautiful photo, Rose. You have been posting away while I have been working very hard during my first day back to work after the holidays. I really wanted to participate in Random 5, but the time simply got away from me. Maybe next week.

  3. come on down to Florida, you can sing that song today...

  4. I'm smiling. Lovely post! All we have here is the white of snow.

  5. I love spring and fall. This was a nice post and I'm looking forward to better weather!

  6. I like black and white images too, but it great to have the bright colors of summer.

  7. I guess we all 'long' for what we don't have. In Fall, I 'long' for winter and SNOW… In winter, I 'long' for spring… The only season I NEVER 'long' for is summer… I'm not a summer person since I hate the heat.

    I do love winter --but there is just something special about spring flowers, sitting on the deck, watching the new leaves on the trees, etc……

    Oh Well---life is interesting.

  8. Oh boy, you must be snowed in or something like that. I too wish for the that warm time of year with all the beautiful colors. I am ready to sit in that swing. MB

  9. Yeah, I like a little snow and then I am done with it. I would rather look at snow in PICTURES.

  10. I love the bright colours too, but I still love winter. Part of winter's problem is the days are so short. But now they are getting noticeably longer.

  11. I am so ready for winter to be over. Love your photo of the colorful leaves. It makes me long for a warmer, more beautiful season.

  12. I'm super ready for the color and warmth to return. Funny about B&W photos, too. I think they convey hot summer days pretty nicely if the subject is right, but mostly it does make the weather seem, at the very least, mild in a cool way.


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