
Friday, January 10, 2014

Kind of conflicting...

I think it is kind of strange...I really, really love B&W photography, so why don't I love the drab, dreary days of winter?  Instead, long before winter is over, I am longing for bright sun and vibrant colors.

I still enjoy the quite hush it puts on our world when it hits like it did last weekend.  I love how clean and fresh everything looks.

Yet when I ran across this picture, it just sang to me of shirtsleeve weather and fishing and eating breakfast outside on the porch and sitting in the swing to read....

It sang to me of garden fresh tomatoes and watching the flowers bloom....notes of Lorelei coming to visit slipped in she likes to walk out to see the flowers in the summer and picks up pretty leaves in the fall.

It's a song I am ready to experience....

It's Friday....time for Random 5

Before we get down to business, I was looking back through my blog looking for something else and came across this video.  Does anyone else remember the show Taxi?  This cracks me up any time I watch it.  I have shown it some of my daughters' friends and they have thought it funny, too, so I think that it is sort of timeless.

Now that I am back to blogging, it is that time of week again...time to share 5 random things.  This is becoming one of my favorite memes...I love reading everyone else's Random 5....and love that it gives me permission to jump around in my thoughts if I want.  Anyway, here they are....the first one I wrote down a month or so ago...

1.  Some of the best conversations in life are held around the kitchen table.  The others are sitting on the front porch. 

2. Other than the scheduled days off, Sundays and holidays...this is the first time we have ever went without receiving our mail.  We have not had mail since Saturday.  And I am not complaining...I don't know if others in town received mail or not, but it was simply too cold for them to be out on Monday and Tuesday...Wednesday and Thursday were not terrible temp wise, but I have no idea how they would have gotten around on these slick, messy roads.

3.  I have worked three puzzles since of them I was tempted to send to a friend and tell him he could work or burn it, whichever he liked.  It was that hard.

4.  I love my kindle...I love being able to go to Amazon and read a few pages from most books.  I also love being able to log in to Indiana Digital through my library, and borrow books all from the comfort of my home.  I can also check out audio books.

5.  It is supposed to get up into the 40's tomorrow...that is in Fahrenheit.  And it is supposed to rain.  AND, it is supposed to get up into the 40's for the next few days. Keep your fingers crossed that they are right.  

Now if you are inclined to join, or if you just want to read some random thoughts, please visit A Rural Journal.