
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A little randomness...

First of all, what is with the 'I am not a robot' thing at the bottom of our comments...even though I have my comments set to no word verification, and moderation only after the post is a few days old, I still have the 'I am not a robot.'  Some blogs don't even have this, and others have it PLUS word verification.

I did make a 'testing' comment on my own blog, and did not check the 'I am not a robot'  and it appeared immediately in my comments.
Just talked to Sarah...Lorelei's school was cancelled two days last week because of the bitter cold weather we had.  One of the days was Sarah's day off, and the other day she went to this program at the YWCA...or maybe it was the YMCA....and they kept them busy.  Lorelei had a ball.  Now she wants to follow a pattern....she wants to go to the 'Y' one day and school two days...or else the 'Y' two days and the school one day.   In case you don't know, she is all about patterns.

When she colors, sometimes she follows a pattern...and other things she wants to follow a pattern but for the life of me I cannot think of examples.  Just know she does like patterns.
I did a post of an eagle we saw Sunday up in Parke County at the tail waters of the Cecil M. Harden Lake.  Well, I was sitting at the computer this afternoon, and I am always glancing to see what birds are at the feeders, and also glance around to see what else is going on.  I glanced out, and guess what I eagle.  They have this lazy way of circling around, and if you get the right angle to see their body profile, they remind me of a big old B-52. Nothing around here has that profile.  

I quick ran outside, and first saw there was two...then saw what I thought was a third...ran in to get my camera and could at first only see two...and both were juveniles.  I ran back in to get something on my arms and ran back out and there was the third...and it has the white head and tail!  Not that I really needed to see it to know for sure the others were eagles...
Anyway, click on this one for sure to expand the view...and yes, this was taken from my front porch.  And it is cropped.
Neither are very sharp, but I was clicking just to make sure I got some sort of shot.  I still cannot believe we saw three and two were juveniles.  So far, I have only ever seen one juvenile at a time.


  1. Funny how Lorelei likes the idea of adding the Y to her pattern. She has such a great imagination!

    I haven't seen any eagles yet this year. Seems like there are fewer birds than usual, but that could be my imagination.

  2. I am just like Lorelei.. i call mine routines. i do everything i do by pattern, exactly the same way..i never lose the keys or anything like that because i follow my pattern.. joy on the eagses. the robot thing and the number neither works, just type and click publish. blogger did that several weeks ago

  3. So funny that Lorelei has decided she wants to spend a day at the Y instead of school. How delightful. Congrats on your pictures.

  4. Hey patterns are a good thing. And congrats on your eagles. I'm always looking out the window too, to see what is visiting.

  5. That Lorelei!! She is something else! I've seen the same thing on some blogs about the "robot" thing - I just ignore it and hit publishes, and I think it is. Congrats on your Eagle photos!

  6. Well, I can see other commentors have clued you in on the robot thing at the bottom of all our comment sections in blogger. It suddenly appeared a few weeks ago and I keep hoping it is going to disappear sometime. I just go ahead and ignore it like everyone else. Great photos and I enjoyed reading your randoms.

  7. Sounds like Lorelei not only likes patterns but likes variety, too! :)

    You lucky girl, to see THREE eagles!!! Glad you were able to get documentary shots!



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