
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Speeding along

There are several Amish families that live in Parke County...this one was traveling along pretty fast.  It was one of our 'warmer' days, but I bet it was still cool to be traveling in this fashion.  I had not even set anything on my camera...this is definitely not sharp.  But I still like it.

It is 10ºF here this morn.  Probably colder earlier.  There was quite a big frost when I got up an hour or so ago.  I am sitting looking at empty bird feeders.  So that is one job that needs to be done.  And I am sure I can come up with a load of laundry...and I need to get a quilt top sandwiched and ready to quilt, but not sure I will.  I don't have the right color thread to quilt it with, so will either have to order on line or make a trip to the quilt show over in Paris.

Anyway, hopefully I will get some visiting in during this day.


  1. I've never seen them travel too quickly but never seen them in winter either. In that snow and cold I'd go as fast as that horse would take me.
    We have had very cold temps here. Last week we were below zero on a couple of days and had six inches of snow which was almost gone yesterday but got up this morning to a light dusting.
    I'm glad you're back posting too!

  2. i love it and it looks like a runaway with no one driving.. bet they are bundled up in the back of it. yikes on 10 degrees

  3. I love this. Can't imagine seeing that.

  4. I bet they are dressed warmly and probably have a blanket or two for added heat. What a neat capture!

  5. A wonderful photo, I actually love the soft focus to it. There is always something to do isn't there? I am trying to ignore housework right now but really have to get down to some as we have company coming tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and thanks ever so for the sweet comments on my blog :)

  6. When I was a kid back in Illinois there were several Amish families in the area. One of the funniest sights was the young son of one of the couples taking them in their very plain garb to the church in his very hot car!

  7. Since they were going so fast, you got a wonderfully clear picture! It really looks like the front of a card, quite wonderful.

  8. You're back!! YAY!! I missed yesterday---I will go read your post. anyway glad you are back and you don't have to post everyday---just to know you are here and ok. Everyone loves you, ya know. MB

  9. I would love to be in that buggy charging down the road!
    Glad to see you back. :)

  10. Hi Rose,

    This is a wonderful capture! I almost wish it was a video so I could hear the clip-clop, clip-clop! :D

    Thanks for your visit to my blog today and all the comments! I hope you took a nap after that - you at least deserved one! :D


  11. I've never seen a speeding Amish buggy but if it was cold I'm sure they wanted to get wherever they were going fast.

  12. Love this photo, although I feel for the horse. I know that's what they do, but . . . . .


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