
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Hiding or relaxing?

When we were in Paris last weekend, and got out of the car, this cat went up and got under these steps.  I don't know that he was really scared...I sort of then he was just getting under there to try to cool down.  It was so hot, any little bit of shade would have been welcome.
I got a couple loads of laundry done and hung out, then this evening we mowed the yard again.  I say 'we', but I sure don't do much.  LOL  Still, I think being out doing something like that is just good for me mentally.  I don't remember when I started mowing...I am assuming when I started high school...but mowing used to be one of my favorite jobs.  And I still like it, I just have to watch the heat. 

I think I always loved it because it was a job that did not have to be done every day of the week.  So many things women do, either have to be done every day or should be done every day.  I mainly think of doing dishes...I would hate to see all the dishes I have done piled in one pile.  On the other hand, I would love to have a dollar for every item I have washed!  I have been washing dishes since before high school so it would be quite a payday.

I hated them with a passion as a youngster...still not my favorite job.  Simply because they have to be done over and over.  We have a dishwasher, and I do use it occasionally, but seems easier to just wash them.
It got down to 52º last night, and today has been wonderful.  A cool breeze all day...almost too cool sitting in the shade.  It is a strange, strange summer.


  1. Such a pretty cat. Your cool weather is really a treat after some of the heat we've had early this year.
    I cut grass in my early teens when I was strong and did not have allergies and arthritis. It would kill me nowadays!!!
    Wishing you a nice Sunday.

  2. first things first in my comments. 52 degrees, are you kidding me? we are at 83 degrees and it is 6 AM.. jealous I am.
    did you see the effiel tower while taking the photo of the gorgeous cat?
    I always loved cutting grass even when my boys were big enough to do it i wanted to do it. i still would but my back will put me down for 2 days if i do... cooking i hate, dishes I don't mind. and i am with you.
    i washed dishes, hung laundry and took it down and sprinkled the clothes and ironed from a very early age.. and picked/chopped/shelled veggies all day long. wish i had those veggies now

  3. It's cooler here today too and I am enjoying it even though it's raining. I mow our lawn and really don't mind doing it even though we have a corner lot so have tons of grass to mow (much of it town property, which includes a steep ditch). I figure it's good exercise and much cheaper than belonging to a gym. ;))

  4. Cute kitty! We are having rainy and chillier temps now too. It is an odd summer! Happy Sunday, have a great new week ahead!

  5. I like doing dishes, and laundry. i think i would like to mow the lawn - I used to want one of those simple push mowers, but - around here lawn mowing - with large and loud power tools - seems to be considered a "Manly thing to do . . "


    That is a terrific cat Photo . . .

  6. That is a lovely cat. Gosh 52 would be COLD here right now. We're lucky if it dips below 70 all night. I'd much rather load a dish washer then do them by hand any day. It's dusting/vaccuming that I don't care for all that much.


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